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  • in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #115102

    really nice boards you guys are putting up. all of them.

    in reply to: Can I have this sound with Polychorus? #115061

    robert smith was all about jazzmasters and boss pedals back then. i would imagine your polychorus + a flanger will get you there. i was able to get a very similar tone by using the detune on a pog2. strum away and you can hear the similarities.

    in reply to: Cathedral Reverse Settings #115059

    nice clip.

    i built my rig to create this type of stuff. there’s an obvious lack of attack when he strums, so this could be reverse reverb almost completely wet, delay twisted up, with a dab of feedback to keep the reverb repeating into the distance. it sounds like you could use your DL4 to create the ambient loop, and octave up your pog2 (slow attack) for that high lead. he’s definitely got some chorus (you could use pog2 detune) in there as well.

    hell, if you wanna spice that up, add a trailing delay, perhaps a normal reverb on top of that, and tremolo it up for some shimmers. very lite phasers work in these cases pretty well too, especially something that can be controlled via expression pedal.

    think about reverse delay as well. sometimes people try to recreate the “kevin shields effect” and do not consider that a lot of those chords merging together can be accomplished with reverse + trailing delay as well.

    in reply to: Daft punk live cover with two ehx POG and Big Muff #115057

    really cool :) like the band name too.

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #115038


    this is a really fun board:

    eventide pitchfactor
    ehx big muff w/tone/wicker
    mid-fi clavi(not)
    zvex fuzz factory
    black cat od/fuzz
    ehx pog2
    pigtronix philosopher king
    ehx worm w/expression
    ehx #1 echo
    malekko analog vibrato
    mojohand 770 flanger
    malekko analog chorus w/12volts
    tc electronics corona chorus
    mxr 6 band eq
    ehx holy stain
    ehx cathedral
    ehx stereo pulsar
    ehx stereo memory man

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