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  • in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #110974
    Not the best pictures I took them with my cell phone. lol

    Simple but effective. I like.

    A reminder to all of us with ever-expanding pedal boards that sometimes four is all you need…to :rawk:

    But then again, sometimes more is nice ;)

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #110522
    no i haven’t had a chance to try out any of his stuff (i’m in the States, so international pedal modding always seems like a bit of an excessive expense) but I really would like to. His blog/twitter/website are terrific.

    Fair enough. Well it’s REALLY good for you that you didn’t win. The postage for sending it back would’ve SUCKED!
    But I guess you guys are lucky because you get cheaper EHX, Fender and Gibson stuff and basically everything US made. The import and duty taxes I have to pay are steep! Then you’ve got the currency exchange. But it’s usually worth it! Viva La US Made Music Gear!

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #110519
    @Boy on a string-
    did you get the FM4 modded by cubisteffects or did you just buy it already modded from ebay?

    Nice spot. Yes to both actually. I bought it pre-modded FROM cubisteffects! It’s very cool. I can’t say I use the feedback loop as much as I thought I would, but it’s good for a laugh.

    was that about four or five months ago? I try to keep an eye out for his stuff and that’s the last one I remember.

    if it was, you outbid me by about $2.25AUD. 😆

    Oh my goodness! How weird is that!? Such a small small world! It was! Totally. Good thing you didn’t buy it though. I had to send it back. Something was wrong with it. I think a couple of capacitors were faulty. He fixed it free of charge, but I had to pay for postage.
    He’s good though. His EHX Holy Grail mod looks cool as well, but I can’t get it on my NANO version. Lol.
    Have you got any of his other stuff? He had a pretty good RAT mod recently. And his Whammy mods are OFF the hook! Great functionality.

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #110515
    well first of all – you don’t have to run the stereo polyphase in stereo :) i also have just one amp and even then it’S great

    it’S about lots of options – i get that :) but still – you are like “I am working out what pedals are my ESSENTIALS” – and i’m just telling you what i’d do :) i’d still keep as much options as i could, but for less tone loss and less pedals, you sometimes have to compromise…

    yeah, i’m not a big fan of Digitech, i admit that… their pedals just don’T do it for me. But the Whammy is awesome – if the english guy that sent me mine wouldn’t be stupid, i’d had one right now… it came in the mail broken because he didn’t pack it very g… at all :-D

    if you like some whacky sounds – for phaser, try Boss PH-2 :) it can be pretty extreme and whacky – i just love this pedal, but i had to get rid of it for financial reasons…

    After some consideration, I realised my stereo comment was completely unfounded. Didn’t really think that one through. Lol. Some of my favourite pedals are stereo. DD20, SMWH etc.
    Haha. Thanks for your input! I totally get where you’re coming from. I actually went home after work and took the 2 Digitech pedals off just to see where it got me.
    I am making a “live” board and an “odd-ball” board. My live board will have all my essentials (mostly delays and power boosters/overdrives) whereas my “odd-ball” collection will have all those weird and wonderful effects I only really use once a blue moon for recording or when I have a couple hours to kill at night and feel adventurous.
    The whammy is sick. Even the new one (some people complain and say it’s too digital whereas the 1st one was warmer). I bought it and went “oh great, all it does is Tom Morello” but then over time I discovered it does a really nasty chorus in DETUNE mode which is really unique and its OCTAVES are pretty interesting. Also the 5th harmony mode adds some weird suspensions when playing normal chords. A little inspiring when you’re in a rut.
    I almost agree with you on the Digitech front. I only have those because they were some of the first pedals I bought. They are built quite well. I LOVE my Bad Monkey though. Phil X (of Fretted Americana) uses it and I thought, “what they hey”. Have not regretted it.
    I have slowly found out over my time playing that my ESSENTIALS are generally delays and sometimes dynamic processors (overdrives, compression) not such a modulation kind of guy. I like it, but only really in the studio, live it’s sort of lost on me. Mainly because I am busy vocalising, and don’t have time to tap dance on my pedal board. It’s one of two things DRIVE or CLEAN with me live. And occasionally delays are thrown in, just because delay makes everything better! :thumb:

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #110514
    @Boy on a string-
    did you get the FM4 modded by cubisteffects or did you just buy it already modded from ebay?

    Nice spot. Yes to both actually. I bought it pre-modded FROM cubisteffects! It’s very cool. I can’t say I use the feedback loop as much as I thought I would, but it’s good for a laugh.

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #110502
    what about this… Lose the digitech phaser and flanger – you have the Line6 Modulation Modeler! why to keep two modulation boxes (from digitech, ew) when you could use Line6 with presets and all in one box?

    that way you could lose at least two pedals… and personally if you’re going to think about it think about getting rid of Phase 90, too – not a bad pedal, but still – you have the modulation modeler and if you ditch it, you are 3 pedals shorter… if not – no problem, i heard it’S awesome for leslie emulations

    just what i’d do (well i’d lose the digitechs and the line 6 and get a stereo polyphase instead, because it¨s bloody awesome… and i don’t need flanging)…

    but there are also some cool pedals i love :)

    Very anti-Digitech aren’t you sir? Haha. Each to their own.

    I use the Line 6 Modeler for Chorus, Tremelo and Vibrato ATM. I like my DigiTech phaser and flanger. I can pull some really cheap nasty sounds out of them. Something a little unique and un-classic…suits my needs and playing style.

    Not really a big fan of using modeler pedals. I just bought them on eBay because they were cheap!

    As for the Phase 90, well with the Soul Preacher after it you get this really gritty dirty phase which sounds really cool. Has become a recent fav.

    Not a big fan of Stereo either. I just don’t have the ampage and hate DI-ing things. Lol. I <3 speakers.

    Am thinking of a deluxe electric mistress too.

    For me it’s more about having lots of options so I can do whatever the hell I want with my sound.

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #110498

    After much procrastination, my pedal board contribution has arrived!
    I don’t use all these at once anymore because there is a terrible loss of signal quality. I am working out what pedals are my ESSENTIALS, putting them on a new board, and putting the left-overs on this big board.
    I’m still going to get a Deluxe Memory Boy and maybe a Wiggler, if I can convince myself that I’m not over doing it. :P

    Well that’s lame. Didn’t post my picture. Let me try again…

    A-like so!

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #110497

    After much procrastination, my pedal board contribution has arrived!
    I don’t use all these at once anymore because there is a terrible loss of signal quality. I am working out what pedals are my ESSENTIALS, putting them on a new board, and putting the left-overs on this big board.
    I’m still going to get a Deluxe Memory Boy and maybe a Wiggler, if I can convince myself that I’m not over doing it. :P

    in reply to: Any one for tea and an English Muff’n? #110329

    Thanks to everyone who has recommended the English Muff’n! To confirm, I had purchased and received my English Muff’n and used it in band prac last night.
    It sounded EPIC with my Les Paul Junior! I had some feedback problems with my SG, but I think that’s because the person I bought the SG off replaced the Standard Gibson pickups with an unknown Seymour Duncan. So yeah. Still got to do some tweaking, but I think this pedal is going to be one of my live mainstays…

    in reply to: Any one for tea and an English Muff’n? #110223

    I got a message from my music store yesterday and my English Muff’n has come in! I’m so excited I can hardly wait to finish work and get it! Perhaps I might call in sick? No wait, I need the money.

    in reply to: Any one for tea and an English Muff’n? #110175
    o and a nother sweet funtion i forgot to mention is that every effect has a button that will make each one only effect the high mid or low frequency of the signal! and you can choose just one or two of the three frequencies to effect at a time! for example if your playing a rythm of chords mostly low notes, but if you choose it to effect the high frequencies for the trem, when you do strum it, the high strings will trail off in a tremolo throb, while the low notes remain normal!

    i think the trem was my favorite part of the rack unit, its very versitile, and you can set it to sound like a kill switch and have your chords cut n and off very dramaticly! like the chopper pedal from gig-fx


    I’m going to keep my eye on eBay to see if any of these come up.

    Ideally, I really only want a tremolo pedal that syncs to a BPM with different note divisions. That way I can plug in, say 150bpm AND 16th notes and be perfectly in time with my click track when recording.

    in reply to: Any one for tea and an English Muff’n? #110170
    Electrix Mo-FX is a rack unit that has delay, vibrato, flange and a light OD. there all seperated like they were individual pedals.

    you can get a footswitch for it, and it has midi! the best part… can tap in tempos for all the effects and sync them all together!!

    its an awsome sounding unit, but they dont make them anymore, but you can get them on ebay for $75-$200

    i actualy scored a mint one about a month ago for $20! then sold it for $200

    FTW! Although I’m not a big fan of rack gear. I prefer stomp boxes myself, but it guess beggars can’t be choosers.

    Thanks for the heads up, I’m going to ebay it now…although being Australian these things are probably rarer than in the States.

    in reply to: Any one for tea and an English Muff’n? #110163
    Thanks for the vote of confidence Brianzero.

    You’ve sold me on the Wiggler also. I dare say, it will be the next pedal I purchase…

    Do you use it for recording or just live? How do you find trying to sync it up with a tempo for recording?

    I haven’t used it yet in recording but I use it live all the time. The syncing up you have to use your ear there is no other way. Just take a little time with it and you will soon familiarize yourself with the settings. The valves give it a really warm sound, very very nice.

    I guess that makes sense. Most tremolo pedals are like that I suppose. I wish someone would invent a tremolo/vibrato pedal that you would either sync up with tap tempo or like the Boss DD20 you could input the BPM and the note duration you wanted. I guess I will live in hope. :)

    in reply to: Any one for tea and an English Muff’n? #110142

    Thanks for the vote of confidence Brianzero.

    You’ve sold me on the Wiggler also. I dare say, it will be the next pedal I purchase…

    Do you use it for recording or just live? How do you find trying to sync it up with a tempo for recording?

    in reply to: Any one for tea and an English Muff’n? #110075

    I can’t wait. Heaps keen for it.

    What do you think of the Wiggler? Compared to, say, the Pulsar?

    I’m thinking I want a tremolo and the Wiggler looks pretty good. Sounds HEAPS warm in the demo video.

    What other “essential” pedals do you never go without? The Stereo Memory Man with Hazari seems to be a fairly staple pedal in the forum diet.

    Also, what are your thoughts on the Deluxe Memory Boy? Particularly, can you get it to overload and get those funky distorted delays like the Deluxe Memory Man?

    I love picking up tips from pros about their effect set ups. I was watching Fretted Americana and decided to get a Bad Monkey because Phil X uses one, and was not disappointed. And I got mine for $69!
    I like to keep and open mind and ask a lot of questions. Most of my most TREASURED pedals are ones that I bought because someone else had them.

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