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  • in reply to: Ehx 95000 looper, balanced output? #124550
    Unbalanced outputs

    Thanks. That’s too bad. My outputs seem to be picking up noise on the way to my PA.

    in reply to: Ehx 95000 looper, balanced output? #124540
    Anyone know if the 95000 has balanced or unbalanced outputs?
    I looked in the manual but can’t find anything.

    Nobody knows?

    in reply to: 95000 looper suggestions… #124522
    One more suggestion.
    I asked whether this is possible in the tech forum, but I’m thinking it’s not currently an option, otherwise it would have been mentioned in the manual…

    The ability to copy a stereo mixdown track to another loop.

    This isn’t something that would find much use in a live situation, but it certainly would in studio circumstances, and especially for people who, like me, approach music through improvisation.
    I start by playing a rhythm on my Korg Wavedrum or Roland Handsonic, and then just keep on adding different percussion layers (after which I would add VSTi pads and soundscapes in my DAW). Having the feature I suggested would allow me to ultimately import every single separate percussion layer into my DAW for further processing and composing of the track.

    What I suggested is, I guess, doable via a computer and USB, but it would be much less of a hassle and more productive if it could be done on the looper itself.

    I’m a layman, but I still think it’s something that should be easy to implement in a firmware update…

    In the meantime you should be able to make the mix track into a new loop with a PC. It’s a little tricky but if you give it the right file names and keep track lengths all the same you can do it. It was a little easier to do it on a boss RC-30, but a computer was still needed.

    in reply to: Importing Loops into the 95000 #124019

    Is it possible to make a tutorial video how to do this?

    I’m having a heck of a time figuring this out. I think it would be a great help to those of us with prerecorded tracks to show us how to do this.
    Right now I am just playing them into he input, but it seems there could be a better way.


    For me , you have to recording Verse on Loop1 , and Chorus on loop2.

    You have just to “push” the up or down switch (loop) in order to go to Versus or Chorus.

    for example :

    Loop 1 : Versus : 8 bars
    Loop2 : Chorus : 4 bars

    if you push switch “up” in order to go to loop2 at 5.3 of loop 1 , it’s wait 8.4 bar , and switch to 1.1 of Loop2 ( page function) , playback will not stop…

    It’s the way i did.

    Thats not what KingCyrus and I mean. What you explain works however when you push the up or down switch of the loops DURING recording, the recording stops. So you can’t stay in record mode whilst switching between loops. At least I hope there is another way pdf doing that, that I don’t know about yet.

    Staying in record mode while moving tracks seems like something that could be done with firmware.

    in reply to: Missing true tempo control on the 95000 #123849
    No sorry.
    There are apps for the iPhone and others that do that GREAT!!! With memory ,EQ,s ect.

    Disappointing. What are the chances you may consider this feature for a firmware upgrade.
    I thinks it’s far more useful than the pitch changing with tempo

    Just opened this thing after years of wanting one and can’t record a single loop. I press the record button and the loop plays back with a loud metronome sound on my headphones and with silence in front and after my recording. Clix is at 0. Quantize is off… Help!!!

    — I can figure out how to delete this post. I was trying to record on one of the first 20 loops which apparently already contain loops even though I can hear anything on them. More fun now

    20 preloaded drum loops are on the card. Just plug in the usb to a computer and delete all the existing folders.

    in reply to: 95000 what’s the aux for? #123844
    To record your 1/8 out stuff just get an adapter and go in the 1/4 ins.
    Our 1/8 allows you loop along with a prerecorded source or drum machine.

    That won’t work unless you use a stereo to mono breakout cable and feed both left and right 1/4”. Then you’re forced to record onto 2 tracks. Kinda a waste. Would be nice if it could be summed to mono and put on one track.

    I had to fix this by buying a Radial ProAV1 which sums the stereo to mono and goes into XLR on 95000. Bulky and expensive but works.

    I guess I see the aux as kinda a waste, until I see some useful demos of it, I don’t see myself or many others for that matter using it.

    in reply to: Importing Loops into the 95000 #123833

    I’m also having issues with importing.
    I had a Boss RC-30 before, which could take almost any wav file I threw at it. Just drop it in the folder, it played! Even keeps the original name.

    Ehx, you have to simplify the process. 2 suggestions:
    1. Allow a drag and drop of one file to a loop folder. Analyze and validate the format. Convert the file to the16 bit expected format and sum stereo to mono, call it track 1. Create missing files (tempo, other tracks etc.)
    2. Create a PC & MacOS conversion and import tool. It can convert and make the missing files that we can manually import. This should be a snap to make, very easy!

    Please, this thing is 550 dollars. The importing of a wav file shouldn’t be this hard.

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