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  • in reply to: Violin & Octave #119358
    bill ruppert

    Micro POG…POG 2..HOG 2 would be great.
    The Ring Thing also has pitch shift that sounds great.

    bill ruppert

    Here you go:


    in reply to: Tube EQ #118793
    bill ruppert

    If you write info@ehx they can answer that question!

    Got two more questions about Tube EQ. Does anybody know about its input & output impedance? And does anybody noticed a subtle noise it produces even with pedals level knobs all the way counterclockwise. Is that my issue or else? Anyway, dig this pedal so much. Thanks!
    bill ruppert

    HOG2 now!

    Question directed at Bill Ruppert, but any input is appreciated. I am in search of the ultimate guitar-tranformed-into-cello sound. Bill used a Hog for his effectology piece, but since the Hog is now discontinued…which box would get me closest…the POG2 or the MicroSynth ??? or something else ???
    in reply to: Electro-Harmonix Effectology, Vol.6 “The Mellotron” #118791
    bill ruppert

    That is a HOG in freeze mode going through a Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai.
    The delay was in delay-mod mode.

    Hi all,

    Question for Bill : is the very first sound (from 0:30 to 1:15) in the Mellotron Effectology video done with guitar pedals? Are they the same settings as the other two examples? I see how to get the sound for the flutes and brass + strings but that first one sounded different to me. Thanks for all you do! Cheers!

    bill ruppert

    You can write me through the Effectology youtube pages.

    Bill , do you have a way to contact you about building a tone library
    for the hog2 using a few simple analog effects? I I’m in the process of building a RJM controlled pedalboard.
    It will have a midi controlled Flashback X4, midi controlled modulation unit, a two knob fuzz, and a 3 knob O.D..
    With a midi controller and a expression pedal all wired up right it should be a powerful unit. I would be very appreciate
    of any guidance you could give. Thank you, Stinky.
    in reply to: Next Step Talking Pedal #118454
    bill ruppert

    Is the battery dead???

    bill ruppert

    Rick you are right I forgot to shoe the Poly Chorus setting!
    Let me see if I have it and get back to you.
    I do know it was the chorus mode with a slow sweep.
    Man I LOVE that pedal.


    Hi Bill,

    Amazing work with the V256. Really enjoyed your videos.

    I’m having trouble getting my arms around the hook up for Lucky Man. Did it go like this >>

    Dummy TS plug into Big Muff, with it’s output to 1/4 input of V256
    Guitar’s TS 1/4″ converted to XLR input on V256
    V256 XLR output converted to 1/4 TS > Pitch Detune > etc.

    Does the Big Muff really go into the instrument input of the V256 and how should the balanced XLR be wired into a 1/4″ TS or should it be a TRS jack?



    bill ruppert

    Hi Guys i am sorry for the delayed response!
    the Chord pad was done with a HOG in freeze mode that was looped in a Stereo memory Man with Hazarai.
    I looped a long section with memory man- modulation on and in play back raised the pitch with delay knob.
    Thats it.

    Hi Bill!

    I, too, was wondering how you got that amazing pad sound before you went into the switched on bach sounds. I would really love to know how to create stuff like that.

    Thanks for all of the inspiring videos!


    bill ruppert

    Big Muff-
    Big Muff Tone Wicker-
    Little Big Muff-
    Will work.
    Germanium Big Muff will sound different.


    in reply to: Ring Thing Shimmer help??!!! #118325
    bill ruppert

    Well the problem is I used a POG2 which has an attack control and it is set at 100%
    That swells the note in, removing the attack
    I also used a delay after the pitched shifted signal.
    That set it back even further in time.
    All the settings and chains can be found here.

    As an option to the attack control you could use a reverse delay sound after the pitch shifted signal to remove the attack.

    Bill ruppert

    in reply to: An Effectology’s Challenge #118315
    bill ruppert

    Great sound.
    It was invented by Benjamin Franklin.
    One of the coolest people to have ever lived!

    in reply to: Effectology Special Edition “Superego Synth Engine” #118313
    bill ruppert

    Thanks a new Effectology is being made right now.
    Stay tuned!

    many thank Bill!
    That two chords processing is really beutiful.
    we are waiting your new creative sounds!


    in reply to: Effectology Special Edition “Superego Synth Engine” #118310
    bill ruppert

    Thank you Giorgio!
    That opening loop was the SuperEgo into a Stereo Memory Man with hazarai.
    I created a big chord with the EGO and then looped in the Memory man.
    I then lower the pitch of the loop with the delay knob for the second chord.

    As for the inner workings of the SuperEgo,EHX keeps that a secret!
    Than you again for you great question.
    Bill Ruppert

    Hi Bill!

    first of all: all Effectology videos are beutuful!

    Just a trivial question about this one:

    What is the egosynth setup you use to create the organ like chords starting at 0:11 seconds of the video above ?

    many thanks & respect

    bill ruppert

    Great, glad to hear you are having luck!!!
    If you find some cool sounds please post.
    I would love to hear what you are finding AND get some new ideas!!


    Hello Again Bill,

    Thank you! Your simple suggestion had a big impact! The Mothership, EHX Micro Synth and my Noise Box all sound so much better because the problem of sustain has been decimated. The auto freeze feature makes this pedal a much more elegant and efficient solution than the Freeze. Calling this pedal a “synth engine” makes a lot more sense to me now, because while it definitely has synth sounds on its own, it drives pitch-tracking monophonic synth pedals amazingly if you are looking to create pads! Engaging the gliss effect with the Noise Box creates a thing of distorted beauty.

    Grateful for your help and to EHX for creating such a brilliant pedal!

    Best regards,

    Sjon Pelletier

    Try the Superego before the Mothership.
    The freezing is most likely to fast to capture the envelope of the synth.

    This was an excellent demo Bill! I have a Superego now and the auto function tracks my clean guitar signal very well. When I engage my Pigtronix Mothership analogue synthesizer though, it has a lot of trouble tracking the VCO (set to square wave) unless I mix in a lot of my clean guitar signal, which I don’t necessarily want to do. This is also an issue if I have the sub octave and VCO engaged. Given how the Superego tracked the Big Muff, I was surprised by this. My signal chain is a les paul type guitar going into a Pigtronix Philosopher’s Tone > HBE Germania treble boost > Mothership > Boss Harmonist > Superego Iron Ether Xerograph low pass filter. The Superego setting I’ve been using has the speed pot fully clockwise, gliss pot fully disengaged, dry signal between 0 and noon and effect signal fully clockwise. Any advice for the tracking issues? Thank you!
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