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  • in reply to: Black Big Muff (Sovtek) #96684

    I have the exact same Russian (and one of the newer ones) and have had problems with it from day 1. The volume only works between 11-2 o’clock and nowhere else so it kind of ruins it. I have rewired it a couple of times and will probably keep trying but it has an amazing sound. Good luck with yours!

    in reply to: Got new tubes for my Wiggler #96683

    So what do you think about it? Have you mixed the different types yet and experimented? I’m really curious!

    in reply to: Help Needed – Hiss Debugger??? #96593
    No pedal is totally silent and the more you add the worse it will get, if a fact of pedal life I’m afraid.

    In general I would agree with you, but somehow I have some 20ish pedals hooked up with no hum, hiss, or static. I really think power supplies are a main culprit usually, I use a God-Lyke and make sure all pedals are supplied their needed requirements. My pedals are mixed (EHX, Danelectro, Behringer, Dunlop, and Ibanez) and they are also a mix of true/buffered bypass and I have no issues. Just my opinion!

    in reply to: swapping tubes in the Wiggler #96592

    This is a great reference for tube substitutions. You can click on the tubes and see which ones are most suitable and their gain factors, good luck! I would probably try a 12AT7, 12AY7, or a 5751 because the AU7 will be such a drastic difference.

    in reply to: Help Needed – Hiss Debugger??? #96511
    Also on an unrelated matter I know this is probably sacrilege but I ordered a Behringer Vintage Time Machine as it became apparent that much as I would like too I will never afford a Deluxe Memory Man (£50 versus £250! & to be honest I’m not a good enough guitarist to warrant one) Just wondered if anyone knew if they were any good? again not a lot of information around!

    And just to make it relevant are they noisy?

    I have the Vintage Time Machine. I love it and I don’t find it noisy at all. I don’t use the Vibrato/Chorus on it but for the delay and self oscillating stuff it’s cool. If you want to hear it in use go to and click on the check out the jams and listen to Crossfire (I use it a lot in the song). I have never used a DMM but I find it awesome for the $60 I paid.

    in reply to: Help Needed – Hiss Debugger??? #96434

    I had the Hum Debugger for a few days and got rid of it (it just didn’t do what I wanted and changed my sustain properties too much!) First off (this is not the best place to say this!), EHX pedals are noisy in general. I don’t own a single one that is quiet and I have several! Some are more noisy than others but to me I don’t mind the sound for the sounds produced by the pedals! Also I have heard from many people the ISP Decimator is by far one of the best noise reducing pedals. I have never used it but that’s what I hear.

    in reply to: Running a Tube Zipper on 12V AC 250mA power supply #96389

    The problem with the power supply with all the tube pedals is it has a very strange plug which I doubt you have, so regardless of the current you can supply it you probably will have to get the EH plug anyways. I guess you could hard wire some time of plug but who knows.

    in reply to: Several Jams with EH Pedals #96027

    Put up a couple of clips of us jamming last night. My friend Matt is playing guitar on them (i’m attempting some bass on one of them lol). I think the recording is becoming better and easier, the sound quality on “Matt’s Jam” is really great for our setup IMO.

    *On second thought I listened to them and they are too quiet :) Got to work on that!

    I think the DS1 from Boss is a great first pedal buy, very versatile and cheap distortion.

    I dont mean to be a douche…but I think the DS1 is quite possibly the worst distortion pedal I have ever heard.

    Oh it’s not that bad ;) I do pedal mods and the one I have done the most is the Ultra/All Seeing Eye mod to the DS-1 and that transforms it into a beast for only a few more bucks! Throw a double stacked Burr Brown Opamp in there too and I bet it will compete with any distortion on the planet. Sorry…that was off topic!

    I buy all kinds of pedals and don’t feel guilty at all. I love EHX the most though!

    in reply to: Several Jams with EH Pedals #95828

    Thanks St. Bede! I will definitely put some more info up about us. I have played guitar on and off for about ten years and only recently began practicing a playing a lot more in the last 5 months. My friend Jeff, the drummer, started playing drums about 6 months ago so we are both babies in our musical knowledge. I can play bass as well and we really want to rerecord the songs with some bass to add to the overall sound. All of this was done in my office where I have constructed a small studio. I would love to find a singer/songwriter and a bassist to play with. To me I have always been a very rhythmic person with my playing, my style is more catchy melodies and bluesy rockish sound. Thanks for any imput guys as it helps to build confidence with the both of us, I feel like there is a good feel to the stuff we do and I would love to move further with it. If anyone lives in the Memphis, TN area let me know if you would like to play sometime! One love!

    in reply to: Phasers #95827

    People will laugh at me for saying this but I have been through several different phasers and I currently now have a Beringher Vintage Phaser. If you can find one of these some where to test give it a shot because it seriously has one of the thickest smoothest sounding phasers I have found (and you can get it for like $25). It isn’t built wonderfully but the sound is great!

    in reply to: LPB-1 help #95826

    Here is a quick run down IMO of the LPB-1…

    First off you can put the lpb-1 pretty much anywhere in your chain but my two preferences are pre overdrive or at the end of the chain. If it is at the end of the chain it will be purely a volume boost. If it is pre distortion/overdrive it will drive up the gain more so than the volume. At either place the LPB-1 adds quite a bit of mids/bottom end to the boost. This is great for me but if you are more into to a trebly sound it may not be what you are looking for. I have two booster pedals, the LPB-1 and the Danelectro Transparent Overdrive. I love both of them and they both come in metal housings with true bypass and are similar prices. With the Dano you can tweak the boost a little more so than the LPB-1 by changing the mix between treble and bass to boost the frequency you want. I now use the LPB-1 in the end of my chain as a volume boost and the Dano TO as a boost before my overdrives. I used to use my LPB-1 around 12 oclock before the distortion and you will notice quickly by placing it at the end of the chain (I actually have it before my delay to give a uniform boost due to my delay splits the signal to two amps ) how much more it affects volume. The reason I made the move in the chain with my LPB is early on in the chain it presented a lot of unwanted noise but this may not be the case with you. Good luck!

    in reply to: Several Jams with EH Pedals #95776
    awful. just awful.

    i’m just playing. ‘slow stoned’ was really cool. your drummer sounds good. thanks for posting, its good to check out what others are doing.

    Lol, I have a hard time not being super critical of my work. I thoroughly enjoy Crunk Blues, Jam (which is title Crossfire now), and Shot Me Down. You are the second person to dig on Slow Stoned though, I guess that seems to be the popular one. Thanks for the input!

    in reply to: Hum Debugger: best spot for it? #95768

    You know I would have to say first in your chain (and I wish I would have thought of that!) because I had mine last and it really sounded bad. It killed my sustain and made this weird springy reverb sound when I used distortion, honestly I was so pissed about it I just sold it. It worked out though because I bought a Godlyke power supply for $30 and now my hum is gone.


    I use mine with a Squier Custom Tele with P90s into a Epiphone Valve Junior. Maybe I can put a clip up at some point, but it sounds so crunchy and clear it is truly and amazing tone. A tip for the Muffin or any EH tube pedals, if the sound has static then make sure and tighten the screw between the two tubes as this can make a huge difference.

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