If you want to effect the drone only I’d suggest you get the Plus Pedal by Game Changer Audio. This pedal has the exact functionality you are describing built in. It has an effects loop for effecting the drone note, but even better you can freeze up to 5 layers of sound at once. I used one for a friends pedal board build and it worked perfectly. We ran a modulated reverb on the drone note and it sounded amazing.
Great idea. I’m into it.
The Mel9 has a Cello setting. I guess you could play in the higher register to get close to a violin sound.
Much agreed. I would go one better though. I wanna see EHX include midi functionality so presets can be recalled using my midi controller. I hate tweaking dials between songs. It’s embarrassing and looks super unprofessional. Plus having to remember the setting you like for the different modes is a pain. It’d be much better to simply store them and recall them.
I would badly love to have a super 9 Pedal. But it would have to have midi preset functionality. I see no reason to jam an incredible array of different modes in a pedal only to have to interrupt your set to bend down and start tweaking your knobs to get to acccess all the possible sounds. Midi is a must for something like this.
I own the Key9, Synth9 and Mel9 and I’d love to have them all combined into one amazing unit with the ability to select presets via midi.