How good are the Cello sounds the POG2 offers? How about Hammond b3 sounds or wurlitzer? Will the POG make a guitar sound like a realistic bass?
Maybe if I could make the guitar sound a little metallic and then use a slide it would sound convincing. Has anyone here used the POG as a 12 string for recording? Did it sound convincing on a recording? I’d like to mix it with some acoustic guitar and bass(also done with a pog) and see how it sounds. How about this…..can the POG make an electric guitar sound like a mandolin? Or electric Mandolin?
WOn’t the delayed attack make a bass guitar simulation sound unnatural and out of time? I agree on a 12 string simulation it would probably sound more realistic but for bass I don’t think it would work. Am I missing something?
I already know all that. I’m specifically asking if it can simulate those specific instruments.