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  • in reply to: How did you learn to love music? #99084
    Definitely lots of good music from Ohio- DEVO, Pere Ubu, and the Breeders to name a few.

    I sort of think the music culture of Ohio is a reaction to the state itself.

    :rawk: :poke:


    That was a very cool way to put Ohio’s music culture in to perspective, Neil Young’ writing Ohio after the Kent State shootings and there is some very good music from Ohio, my son had the great fortune to meet Devo (the whole band) as his friend’s dad is doing a documentary on the band and they now have a label behind them with $$ so that helps, he was awestruck for sure and shook hands with every band member, it was a benefit concert for our President (when he was running for office at the time) at The Akron Civic Theater a gorgeous renovated theater (like a opera house!) The Black Keys played, The Pretenders
    (C.Hynde has a veggie restraunt in Akron, Ohio and keeps a apartment in Highland Square (but is in the U.K.most of the time) our son went back stage for the meet and greet after the show ,lucky young man!
    I have seen Pere Ubu (in various forms) many times (I did not realize The Breeders were from Ohio. cool, I was born in Ohio and have lived in Ohio except for about 4 years in Virginia. They are a cool band Kim Deely and others, My wife and I saw Devo at Lollapalooza (when it was a multi city festival) along with Korn, Snoop Dog and Tool, plus a second stage between acts and a third stage back near the woods at Blossom Music Center, Snoop is one wild dude smokin the ganja all through the show and the band
    and yelling obcene words at the Police (local Akron Police and Summit County Deputy Sheriff’s (all armed) I do not know how they kept their calm when some one is yelling F the Police over and over.
    Devo opened with their awesome film about De-evolution it is so cool and so far out and on a jumbo tron screen and great sound system it was a great start to a great reunion gig (most of the band grew up close to the place they were playing at (full circle I guess) I think my wife and I may have been of a handful of sober folks but it sure was a blast, my wife’s sister worjked there and got us tickets to that show and many more (often in to the pavillion rather than out on the lawn where you can get soaked if it rains!

    Live Music is he best!


    :clap: 😆 :rawk: :thumb:

    in reply to: Thinking of buying a E-H 2880 Super Looper and #99081



    Thanks for replying

    I have looked at the site for the Boomerang 3 (I read Adrian Belew ? spelling of his last name (shame on me) likes the Boomerang looper’s)

    and also uses Johnson J-station modelers and Johnson Amplifiers (though he said Johnson has been out of

    business for some time he buys them when ever he finds them, I recall the modeling device, a black unit with orange lettering if I am correct and they were almost giving them away (either when they were going out of business or the store was clearing inventory, maybe I should have grabbed one, I have seen them online for not very much $ but I do not need a multi effect unit (though I have never seen a Johnson amp ? solid state or tube? or modeling amp ??, I will take a look at the Boomerang 3, last I read it was a ? beta and owners of the #3 could send theirs in for updates, perhaps at NAMM :rawk: it will be ready or close for selling purposes. I think the company is in Texas, and they make a Chorus effect unit that is for sale now
    if I am correct. I have not heard any rumour about E-H and a strictly looper but I would be perhaps the last to know, seems the Character 21 and the two envelope filters will be at Summer NAMM.

    Take care


    :poke: :rawk:

    in reply to: What are you getting from GC this weekend? #99050


    What I figured out (and figured it did not hurt to ask) was to get in touch with another very large

    (non GC and affiliates) online and real store in Indiana and its a sweet….. place

    and they were willing to match and excede the GC 15% (and out of Indiana no tax and they ship free (anything unless it weighs a ton) SO rather than go in to a GC store and be insulted or taken advantage of (*the power supply issue) mine came with one from another store when I bought it) so when GC has the online coupons or catalog( physical or down load catalogs) with 10% off coupons on the back for the month or the 15% for the 4th of July call Sweet as GC and the rest of the affiliates as you see put a lot of exclusions on in store and online (often different exclusions as well) *good to see that E-H qualified and who really cares what color cables are (in a pedal board for example it helps to have different colors) I have Monster Cables (they are black ) and it was my final purchase at GC as they drove me bats while I was shopping there, I went there as I wanted to physically see the different cables I was buying (to get everything matched, TRS, Mono, Y cable and some short runs of cable)I love them and the sound change was incredible 9from using mismatched makes of cables but I hung on to them)now I only a great shop in Baton Rogue La. The Perfect Guitar & and The Perfect Bass (.com for online of each shop) its in one store but two web sites that you can toggle between
    I have a good friend who works there and he managed a local Mom& Pop shop that was put out of business by GC (they moved in the new plaza 6 months after one of the family shops had relocated and that was that, a shame as they would help you out, match prices and +10% off , set up the guitar or bass with new strings of your choice and stand behind their products (and would never take a power supply out of product that should include one) SW is cool too, don’t get me wrong,they carry product lines that the other shop does not (at least now)



    :angry: :doh: :facepalm: :rawk:

    in reply to: RECORDING: 2880 Looper – Dry, Layered Guitars #99045



    That was a beautiful piece and thanks for sharing it, I would not change a thing, sound quality is so so good!



    in reply to: ‘nother demo Recording: 2880 LOOPER #99044


    That was a gorgeous piece, weaving in and out, very textural sound to it and excellent ++ sound quality , I am looking in to getting a 2880, this is making it easier!

    Thank You for Sharing Your Talents!



    in reply to: Thinking of buying a E-H 2880 Super Looper and #99043


    Thanks for your post and input, indeed the layout is very good (without LCD screens and toggle here and there and it (to me) does what it says it will do, and that is being a looper with 4 mono tracks that can bounce or be 2 stereo tracks (may not be saying that right) the videos are great,

    * I am wondering what ghost meant in his post on July 8 238am (last paragraph or beginning of regarding the limitations*

    I feel its a fine looper and has a lot of features and after pondering , the foot pedal may be a good thing to have (though I saw a thread on noise in a 2880 looper foot controller , ? I will read it again as it must be noise that people hear not clicks in the tracks (I hope) and doubt

    I have been researching looper’s for over a year and while expensive I agree with ghost for the price and size there is not anything out there (now) comparable

    Summer NAMM :poke: begins soon, has anyone heard of any “looper’s coming down the pipe (not a mixed unit

    with a delay/looper etc but a actual looper like the 2880..

    Thanks again Julian


    :wave: :rawk: :poke:

    in reply to: Thinking of buying a E-H 2880 Super Looper and #99031


    Thanks for your replies, I very much appreciate them, (if/when I get a 2880 looper I can do the Boss Slicer midi that you mentioned . I am good with midi keyboard use but will figure out the sync (hopefully) glad that you like your looper and also appreciate the info on the foot pedal (use or not use)

    I am wondering about (the specific) limitations you mentioned about the 2880 (am I missing something major ??) that another looper would do better? I think I read through most of the threads on the *Help/Technical Questions (do you mean look at other threads in other areas of the forum or other non E-H forums 9I have been to which is interesting but also mixes my decision making up. I have the funds saved to buy a 2880 as well as the footpedal (if desired) but don’t want to buy something that “maybe I should have purchased that other unit

    I ?think the 2880 came out in 2005, ? same with the Digitech Memory Man , line 6’s is newer but pay for a lot of things I do not need. The Akai is nice but more delay and limited loop time and overdub time

    **Guess asking what is the main limitation or plural that I should look closer at or missed ? **
    (Main Question )* and appreciate your input and knowledge, I am moving from multi effects to individual effects (but will keep the multi effect units as they sound awesome through the Atomic reactor and I can run stereo (like) using a Vox Pathfinder 15 watt solid state (non reverb unit) that will drive a 4×12(its in the Vox papers that came withit) perhaps down the road may get a cab and the Character 21 by E-H ! (I have looked at Tech 21 TradeMark Series Power amps (interesting)
    and powerful and used in tandem with their Pedals (California etc) they sound pretty good, but not what I need now. Will keep my eyes peeled for a nice cab but thats money I don’t have so I am focusing on my immediate need (*its a want rather than a need) that GAS!

    Yes I do play ambient / drone like music a lot(electric guitar(most) tied with and midi keyboard) and a Yamaha electronic keyboard(rarely) also alternative& spoken word but am more in the experimental & ambient/drone music
    creation wise (or try to at least) got hooked on Brian Eno/Harold Budd especially Music for Airports as well as Constance Demby, Tim Story , Dueter,Cluster, and many artists both piano, keyboard and others just plain out there . Drone guitar is really relaxing for me to play and a looper will really help (IMO) I heard most of these artists on Hearts of Space (a radio program
    thats also on the net (or .net or .org) its subscription online with *free Sundays
    I no longer live in range of radio broadcast pick up I have a large collection of cassette tapes
    (including programn#1 ) The original co-host passed away but the original host is still there

    I looked over my gear and felt that what I have am fortunate to have but that a “actual”looper” rather than a unit with a looper may be (IMO) the missing link in my creative process (I am not a pro and play and record at home)

    P :rawk: :poke: :clap:




    Interesting idea (but beingnot real famiar with a midi switch/switcher is there a example or two
    brand/model that would do the same as the 2880 looper foot pedal?




    I am interested in buying a 2880 looper and the footswitch (this may be dumb but for home use could I manually control the 2880 without the expense of the foot controller or is it too difficult or more prone to do overs etc



    in reply to: How did you learn to love music? #99008

    I was lucky to grow up in a city east of Cleveland and at that time only one FM radio station (In San Fran, California was playing entire LP’s, WMMS 100.7 FM (the home of the buzzard more on that later)
    after much debate with the station executives decided to go that route and became the second FM station in the USA to play LP oriented rock . It was awesome and they had some great DJ’s not instrusive but let the Lp’s rip. also on Sunday nights the King Bisquit Flower Hour played some fabulous concerts. While Cleveland is contastly bashed “The mistake by the Lake”, The Cuyahoga river caught on fire (actually noy once but over 50+ times) the mayor (Mayor Perk) was visiting a steel plant and tried a welding tool and caught his hair on fire so things do happen, but.. Cleveland broke so many bands most notably Bruce Springsteen, Ian Hunter and Mott the Hoople, David Bowie frequently qoutes Cleveland as breaking his music in the states, U2 played at a club (where all of the previously mentioned bands and artists also played (The Cleveland Agora) on their first and second trips to America, The Agora had a recording studio above the club and taped many if not all of the shows
    and the clun was famous for its (live broadcast) and $5.00 admission to a Wed 12 noon show, I caught Harry Chapin there not six months before his untimely passing, what a player! The Police played their on their first US tour (with XTC)Unfortunatly the Cleveland Agora caught fire and was a total loss
    though I belive the archives are safe of the taped shows that were played on WMMS 100.7 FM but as time changed so did radio and the all LP format went by the wayside as music exec’s wanted singles played and it all went down hill, the club did rebuild but the ambience amd mojo is not there (and the original club had a smal club in he basement for small local bands. I saw many if not all of the live shows then heard them again on the radio (as far as home of the buzzard, in Hinckley, Ohio buzzards return on the same day each year and their is a big panckcake breakfast and many spotters with binoculars, (Hinkley , Ohio is in the next county over from Cuyahoga County and I am not sure if the station refers to itself as “The Home of the buzzard any more or not, I have switched to college and internet radio. But thats what got me (very) interested in music , Imagine a whole Led Zepplin Lp, then a Pink Floyd Lp, then a Yes Lp, it really was like that! Now its not that way on FM at least.
    Great idea for a forum topic!

    in reply to: Riddle/Enigma QBalls #98688


    I am intrigued by the mystery (good salesmanship) as far as EH demo’s Dan Miller does a fine job and in terms I understand and at a speed I understand, The Pro Guitar Shop does very well too but watching their other demo’s as well gives me GAS (not that the EH ones do not) Peter S. (Sheryl Crow and 65 Amps & Premier Guitar contributer does great too, each guitarist who does the demonstrations does them in their own manner and its great to have so many fine guitarists contributing (sorry of If I left several people out ) that one EH demo ?# 2 of the 2880 demo list list) where the guy makes odd noises in to the microphone (on the 2880 looper demo video list ) *that I can do with out or.. :doh:




    in reply to: Introducing: 22 Caliber Power Amp #98687


    Hats Off, I think its really a cool idea and I have been meaning to get a extension cab for a Vox Pathfinder (15 watt solid state (non-reverb model) for quite awhile (it will drive a 4×12) so I will just (after finding out how much the 22 Character Power Amp is ) find a matching cab with the correct ohms for the Vox and use it on this power amp as well, nano tehnology! I agree with the post(s) about further EH involvement in amplifiers (and a bass model for the bass players) Could you use this with keyboards ? And I must say I laughed 9quite a bit) watching Mr. M Dance (that was the deal closer!)
    just kidding :) Still wondering about the two new pedals that I read some where about (probably are in the forms , perhaps)


    :metal: :clap:

    ambienttales (new to forums but frequent visitor to

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