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  • 187whiterabbit

    if the company wants to market their products to people that want a “cheap” sound and end up sitting alone in a room with fifteen pedals that don’t work and saying WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! then great. i was just unaware that such a demographic existed.

    in reply to: Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai: Tap/Record doesn’t work #116315

    maybe you could order and install a new switch and see if that works . did anyone from the firm try to help you? when performing musicians use their products in interesting ways other potential customers usually crowd around and want to know all about it. the only people that don’t want to know about it are EHX customer service employees.

    in reply to: Stereo Memory Man with Hararai help #116314

    you are saying that your pedal does smoothly change the delay time when you change the setting on your knob. that seems ok. if not perhaps you can clarify your post and submit it again. alot of pedals make a kind of a funny space ship sound when you change the delay time during use so that wouldn’t be too unusual. some people even like that sound but i don’t think you would want to use it on every song!


    mine does that too sometimes. you can reset it or of it doesn’t change the sound of your preset try to ignore it. i wish like heck that this device would have a jack that would allow you to send the signal to an external device to change presets. they say that you can toggle presets with your foot but i cannot do this with any degree of certainty during the excitement of a live performance. if someone from the firm would adress this issue i’m sure this pedal would begin to take market share away from more expensive pedals. i’ve researched them all to death and the SMMwH is a superior device but that one drawback makes you just want to cry sometimes. does anybody care? why not?

    in reply to: Stereo Memory Man w/ Hazarai STEREO MODE HELP NEEDED #116311

    when you use the mono/l input, the delays ping pong between amps. using the R input will send the same delay to both amps. this is a good feature as it allows you to ping pong any of the delay types. i usually use the mono/l input because it allows for a more complex stereo imaging.

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