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    All MINI-CHORUS Small Clones out there are vintage units and apparently, the earliest ones ever produced. The MINI and FULL versions also share the same circuit and components.

    That’s not true. My Mini-Chorus version has a pot date in late 1983, probably among the very last pedals made in the original era. It has the Reticon SAD1024 in it too. I’m pretty sure I remember Ron saying that he has one just like it too. I THINK I’ve actually seen vintage units with the “Full-Chorus” too, complete with the dash. I’m not 100% sure about that though.

    Well, I think Ron already sorted that out for you. =)

    I’m pretty sure you’ve never seen a vintage Small Clone “Full-Chorus” with the dash, because they do not exist. It’s the easiest way to tell a vintage unit from a RI one, actually.

    The “Mini-Chorus” however, had the dash separating the two words.

    Could have been original guts in a reissue enclosure, if nothing else. But I am pretty sure I’ve seen it.


    It could have had something to do with one of their other pedals. Pedal Area has the Bad Stone in production from 1975 to 1981. I think I remember reading a similar theory about the mini/full chorus thing but with the Clone Theory.


    For a while, I was operating on the assumption that the “Mini-Chorus” was actually only on later ones. Like maybe all of the later ones after some point were Minis. I kinda sorta maybe discarded that assumption, but I think it may have only been because it became clear to me that it doesn’t have anything to do with what’s inside.

    in reply to: The EH Man’s EH collection #117610

    Wow… awesome stuff!

    All MINI-CHORUS Small Clones out there are vintage units and apparently, the earliest ones ever produced. The MINI and FULL versions also share the same circuit and components.

    That’s not true. My Mini-Chorus version has a pot date in late 1983, probably among the very last pedals made in the original era. It has the Reticon SAD1024 in it too. I’m pretty sure I remember Ron saying that he has one just like it too. I THINK I’ve actually seen vintage units with the “Full-Chorus” too, complete with the dash. I’m not 100% sure about that though.

    in reply to: Rams Head interior #102795

    Er, did that help? I was thinking I knew of at least one other picture, but I didn’t find it, I was thinking the pic in that guide would do the job though.


    I’m thinking I’ll likely take you up on that. I kind of cleaned myself out on this though (technically I probably shouldn’t have bought it at all, but that’s usually how it is), wasn’t really thinking I’d be needing to throw more money into it. Hopefully won’t be long though, and thank you very very much for the help.

    in reply to: Rams Head interior #102302

    Just hooked it all up to try again, it doesn’t seem to be working though. :( Should turning it alter the sound, or if it’s off it’s just off? Thank you very very much for the help BTW.


    Yeah, but that didn’t seem to change anything. I may have just broke it turning the knob with the board out of the case or something (to get to the trimpot). I tried it again, but unless that window is really really tiny and I was just missing it, I think there’s some other problem with it.


    Dang, I think I may have done that in the process of taking it apart, or maybe turning the knob while the board was off the case or something. Doesn’t seem to be working. :( Hope it’s not something major.


    Oooooh, just noticed a completely broken joint on one of the pot’s pins. That can’t be helping anything. Hopefully I didn’t just do that taking it apart though.


    Entire bottom of the board.


    Oops, did the top of the board first. I was trying to get the version number better in this one.


    I was thinking about that too, about how close this must have been to the very end of the original era. I tried messing with the trimpot, and it seems to be more or less the same. At least I think so, how small is this window? The total sweep of it seems to only be around 270 degrees or so.

    I got around to getting more pictures taken of the board. Is the 4600A number unique to the Mini Chorus version, or do they all say that, with the “A”? I guess it doesn’t exactly seem to have been a super consistent thing they did or anything necessarily maybe perhaps. My early version 3 Muff just says 3003. Just caught my eye I guess.

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