Home Forums The Lounge Your Ideal EHX Rig?

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  • #93457

    That depends. How many different pedals has EHX Made? ^_^ lol.
    Lets see:
    Memory Boy (When it comes out)
    Micro Synth
    Frequency analyzer
    Holiest Grail
    3 Russian Big muffs in series XD
    Tube Zipper
    Hog + Footcontroller/ Exp Pedal
    Graphic Fuzz
    2 Big Muff Tone wickers
    2 Metal Muffs
    Germanium Fuzz
    Poly Chorus
    Flanger Hoax
    Golden Throat*
    Talking Wah*
    Full Double Tracking Effect*
    2880 Super Multi Tracker
    Stereo Polyphase
    Random Tone Generator*
    EHX Crying Tone*
    EHX Fuzz Wah*
    EHX Graphic Equalizer*
    EHX Low Frequency Comporessor*
    EHX Queen Triggered Wah*
    Screaming Tree*
    Voice Box
    Q-Tron Plus

    *No Longer Made :(

    Other Pedals
    Fulltone Deja Vibe II
    Mid-fi Electronics Pitch pirate

    And as for amps:
    Orange Rockerverb 50
    Orange Thunderverb 200
    65 Little Elvis
    Fender Blues Jr.

    Fender Sea Foam Green Strat with seymour duncans
    Gibson Firebird Studio limited edition with Zebrawood wings
    Eastwood Twelve String ^_^

    Santa has his work cut out for him this year! lol


    This gets close to what I’d assemble. I have the gear already, I just need the time, the cables, the outlets, and the space in my house.


    This gets close to what I’d assemble. I have the gear already, I just need the time, the cables, the outlets, and the space in my house.


    I’m still thinking about where I’d put the Mike Matthews Dirt Road Special, the Germ OD, the Dlx Big Muff Pi, the vintage Zipper, the Tube Zipper, the PolyFlange, and the Crying Tone Wah.


    that set up is mind boggling to me

    that set up is mind boggling to me

    It’s mind boggling to me too 😆
    There actually is a method to it, but it’s so complicated I don’t think I could explain it.

    And I just realized that I have 10 pedals in the OctaSwitch :doh: I would have to combine 2 pedals into the loops with other pedals. I don’t think I’ll ever realize this setup.

    that set up is mind boggling to me

    It’s mind boggling to me too 😆
    There actually is a method to it, but it’s so complicated I don’t think I could explain it.

    And I just realized that I have 10 pedals in the OctaSwitch :doh: I would have to combine 2 pedals into the loops with other pedals. I don’t think I’ll ever realize this setup.

    Why the octa switch?


    Because it’s awesome. Above each switch is a DIP for what loops you want it to have on and off


    I just checked out the octa switch. IT IS FREAKING AWESOME!!!! XD but it cant shuffle the order of items in the chain :( which would make it kinda hard to integrate my shuffler into it… What if they made an amputee octa switch with four loops? lol At first when you were mentioning the octa switch i was thinking of Voodoo Labs’ switcher… which looks to be a backward assed version of the octa switch.


    Voodoo labs one has midi, so if you had a midi controller already, it would be quite useful.

    John J

    Hmmm, it would be nice to have the…

    Polychorus, HOG and the Hazarai delay on my board all at the same time. They make a great team, but I hate using more than four or five pedals at a time so it’s pretty rare that they all see the floor together.

    Man alive! That’s a tricky board, Fender&EHX;. I think you need to realize that dream, if only for a day. You can disassemble it after recording just one track if you need to…



    [Nano Soul Preacher] (got it)
    [Nano Doctor Q] (got it)
    [# 1 Echo] (got it)
    [The Worm] (got it)
    [Bass Big Muff π] (got it)
    [Holy Grail +] (got it)

    That’s it for a while…I really think I’m all set :) I’ll post a picture of my pedalboard when the time comes.

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