Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Your HOG Favourite and Secret Settings

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  • #78225

    Hell all,

    Following the purchase of this amazing box, and the settings I’ve seen here made by Bill, I wanted to create a sticky, with a Hog template, in which you can post your favourite/secrete settings.

    Let’s share with everyone.

    Here is the template:

    EHX Hog


    WON’T GET FOOLED AGAIN (original by Bill Ruppert)

    EHX Hog Fooled


    I’ll have to post some later :)

    bill ruppert

    The template is great!!!
    It would be sweet to have them for the Mico Synth, POG, Holiest Grail ect.
    Really nice and a great way to log things how did you make it?



    Hi Bill,

    I’m a fan of your HOG’s sounds.

    can you share your presets?

    have you try to get the mellotron’s sound with the HOG? I have something like that with the freeze section but not 100% satisfied!



    bill ruppert

    Please stay tuned to “Effectology”
    There are lots of new HOG and other EHX pedal sounds coning up every two weeks.

    Bill Ruppert


    I’ve just bought this great effect. To help me i did this with the settings i found on the web.

    you have the PDF and the pages file (if you want to note new one)

    Have fun!

    i had to find a solution (the file is to big)
    i’ll put it tomorrow on a rapidshare


    I have recently bought a HOG and have a question. I am playing through a Twin Reverb 65 reissue, so with the 2 channels on the amp, would it be possible/harmful to run the direct output and the output from the HOG each to the 2 channels of the amp? I figure that way I can have separate eq and volume controls, plus I can run effects through the direct signal without them interfering with HOG sounds. But I don’t want to do something that would hurt my amp.


    Yes you can!!!

    In fact, that’s how I run my HOG.

    I run my HOG’s dry out into two fuzzes and then my tuner (so I can mute dry) and into my amp, and then I run my HOG’s wet out into my modulation and weird effects and other distortions into my delay and into a volume pedal (so I can swell or mute the wet signal) into the other channel on my amp.


    I set up my rig last night, but I didn’t realize that I will need a way to mute the signal to the amp when the HOG is in bypass mode. I have a volume pedal, but I want it in my other signal path. Any suggestions for a cheap/easy way to cut the signal when I’m not using the HOG? I don’t want to get another volume pedal, does anyone make a mute pedal?


    put the hog onto freeze & gliss or freeze and volume mode, turn on the spectral gate, turn -1 octave to about halfway, and put the +1, +2, +3, +4 octaves to just over halfway you can make a really cool synth style sound, strings kinda thing. fiddle a bit with the settings of all the plus octaves sliders for your own tone. also sounds really good with the hog on volume mode followed by a chorus and a nice delay. you can really milk the swell and the chorus polishes off the sound nicely.


    The Octo setting on the Line 6 Verbzilla sounds amazing coming after the HOG. I like to use -1, orig, +1 and maybe some 5th for organ stuff, and the Octo adds in a nice string ambience that fills out the top end and because it is a reverb, it trails and blends the notes nicely.


    I like using the envelope in conjunction with other effects pedals after it to create some really bizarre effects. You can set it so that the volume keeps going back and forth over the sweet spot of an envelope filter (combined with ring mod this effect is really awesome) You can set it so that your wet sound decays really fast, so you can have some really bizarre sound that only happens at the beginning of notes.

    This is all parallel with my fuzz pedals, so I have this blended with a normal distorted signal.


    Just bought a HOG. I’m a bass player using it mainly to emulate a rhythm guitar. Any other bassists have good settings?

    I found the same problem while in bybass, the dry signal goes through both the ‘output’ and the ‘direct output’. I run the direct out to my bass amp, and the output to a guitar amp. So this creates a real problem, when all of a sudden I have bass notes going through my guitar amp. A volume pedal works, it’s just another thing to switch though, kind of a pain. There are several people who make mute switches. You just got to search through google. There’s also builders who make ‘fixed expression’ pedals, just a momentary switch to toggle toe up/toe down (just like whats build into the HOG)

    Just bought a HOG. I’m a bass player using it mainly to emulate a rhythm guitar. Any other bassists have good settings?

    I found the same problem while in bybass, the dry signal goes through both the ‘output’ and the ‘direct output’. I run the direct out to my bass amp, and the output to a guitar amp. So this creates a real problem, when all of a sudden I have bass notes going through my guitar amp. A volume pedal works, it’s just another thing to switch though, kind of a pain. There are several people who make mute switches. You just got to search through google. There’s also builders who make ‘fixed expression’ pedals, just a momentary switch to toggle toe up/toe down (just like whats build into the HOG)

    Hi, I’ve been using the hog with my bass for a couple months, more for bowed string and organ sounds than guitar emulation.

    I’ve been using the dual outputs and have a few ideas about mutes I’d like to share in case they’re helpful. Why not just leave the effect on and use a mute or volume pedal as your single switch? As Julian mentions above a tuner pedal can be a very useful mute ( I find a hands-free tuner like that really useful) and you don’t necessarily need to hit the bypass switch on the hog too if you have this since your still getting your dry signal from the direct output. Then, to tune in between songs, just hit the bypass switch first so your getting the clean signal.

    Another single switch way to turn on and off your effected-hog-to-guitar amp output could be to get the foot controller and save a setting with volume all the way down. you’d still get five other presets but anytime you stomp your mute preset you’d have nothing going to that guitar output. Then you could just stomp on a different preset you want to reengage the effected guitar amp output when needed, while still always hearing the direct-out-bass. Of course, If you don’t already have the controller this idea won’t save you any pedal board space.

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