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  • #105097

    both for me

    most of my board is XO, but the sound is still awesome. i think the size is a good thing with the XO’s and your still generally speaking getting the same pedal.

    however theres nothing as good as seeing an original / big box EHX pedal


    i think it’s just about our times isn’t it?

    years ago you had lots of time for setting up gear and soundchecking – i didn’t have a FX-board until maybe 5 years ago and of course it’s made life (and live!) easier. but it limited space on stage AND i had to decide before hand what to take and what to leave home. therefor – i think it’s true – XO for live use, old style for studio. BUT – as the XOs sound just great AND i couldn’t afford buying both of each great pedal – it’s XO for me!

    but alas – the times, when size DID matter ;-)

    i mean – getting your hands on a nice vinyl double album isn’t the same as downloading a mp3-file.

    it’s all about mobility. and its there where (small) size matters!

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