Home Forums The Lounge WTB Sovtek Red Army Overdrive and EHX Axis Fuzz

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  • #106359

    Every one I have seen is missing the OFF, so yours would be the first. Good to know.


    Still looking for the red army, axis, marveltone

    Ned Flanders

    You have a pic of the component side of the MOGWAI muff yet man? :)


    Not yet… sorry about it but too much work! But I’ll post some pice as soon as I’ll get more time! And I’ve just bought another Big Muff Mogwai in mint condition with wooden box!

    Yesterday I’ve received a first edition triangle muff (the version without the ON/OFF switch built on perf board!)

    I only need some muff to complete my collection:

    Red Army Overdirve
    Axis Fuzz
    Lyle Distortion
    Marveltone Distortion
    Wabash Distortion


    I’m on holiday for a week, should get time for some pics!


    and I can trade the red army or axis, or marveltone or lyle or wabash… for Mogwai Big muff, Triangle muff and a lot of stuff!


    Lol you guys are seriously hardcore pedal dudes and i dont have any of that! 😥


    dear dudes have you guys ever heard of a rickenbacher copy called a degas rocker?

    well guess wat i got one for 500 buckaroos. its a guitar by the way and i cant find any
    info on the net about it not even on ebay
    but its a sweet semi hollow sunburst redish yellowish green color.
    total beatles guitar, if anyone wants to trade an ibanez jem for it pls answer.

    i know we are pedal guys but pedals arent much with out a guitar dont you think?

    I know…

    already get:

    Foxey Lady (same as the Axis Fuzz)
    Triangle Knobs
    Foxey Lady (Triangle Knobs)
    Ram’s head Purple logo
    Ram’s head Blue logo
    Ram’s head
    Foxey Lady Ram’s head
    All the ehx model after those one
    Sovtek Civil War
    Sovtek Green (the 2 models)
    Sovtek Black (the 2 models)
    EHX Mogwai Big Muff

    but can’t find the Axis and the Red Army

    Holy s***! You like muff a lot. Good luck finding these two!


    just a short mail to say I’ve got them all! Here’s a list of my collection:

    Axis Fuzz
    Big Muff Triangle (first version without on/off switch and perf board)
    2x Bif Muff Triangle
    4x BM Ram’s Head
    1x BM Ram’s head blue ink
    1x BM Ram’s head violet ink
    1x BM Mogwai

    and all the others EHX models from 76/77 till now

    Sovtek Red Army
    2x BM Civil War
    1x BM Civil War green side
    1x BM Civil War all green
    1x BM green Tall logo
    1x BM green “big” case
    1x BM Green “thin” case

    the black russian version in all transition versions (big footswitch and different log)
    the 2 thin boxes sovtek

    Guild Foxey Lady: the 3 versions.

    thanks a lot for those who help and specially to Florence and Daniel!


    Welcome to the club :) Post pix of the collection. Shoot some gut shots of the RAO guts if you can. I have seen very few gut shots other than the ones I own and I would like to see if there is any variance outside of the two known versions.

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