Home Forums Ideas / Suggestions / Feedback Wishlist for the next generation of digital pedals- HOG, 2880, and SMMH2

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    Note: I’m not an EHX employee, just a volunteer admin for the forum. These pedals are entirely fictitious and out of my imagination and the imagination of other people who contribute to this thread.

    With the POG2 coming out, I can’t stop myself from thinking about what a HOG2 might be like.

    Micro HOG:
    * advanced algorithm and DSP used on POG2
    * 5 sliders: Dry, Original, Octave Down, Octave Up, 5th. I think 5 would fit, since a double XO sized pedal can fit 10.
    * FX loop (I can think of a million awesome reasons to have an FX loop)
    * push button for switching between expression modes, and expression direction
    * new expression mode- 2 octave bend
    * expression and MIDI in for expression control via a pedal or via MIDI.

    So basically- a stripped down HOG that focuses on the expression modes, but doesn’t totally eschew voices. FX loop for awesomeness.

    XO HOG
    *advanced algorithm and DSP used on POG2
    * 8 sliders, 4 buttons, 1 flipswitch, 2 footswitches, and a ton of LEDs
    * Dry, Original, Octave Up, Octave Down, 5th, Detune, Attack/Decay, and Filter Cutoff sliders
    * Q Button like on POG2 for the filter
    * Expression Direction Button
    * Envelope Mode Button: Chooses what is to be effected by the envelope: volume, filter, or both
    * Invert Envelope Button: Inverts the Envelope
    * Footswitch mode switching button: controls the secondary footswitch button function
    * Footswitch button functions: Expression Button -like on the old HOG, Expression Mode Cycle, Preset Cycle, Envelope on/off, Expression Hold Cycle
    * Expression Hold: Holds whatever has been done VIA the expression pedal and cycles through expression modes. So you can freeze a note, then hit expression hold a few times and start doing octave bends on it. Or you could do filter sweeps. Or while playing with the 5th harmonic slider, you could bend down a step so then you’ve got DRY + 4ths, and then you could go into freeze glissando mode and freeze your 4ths.
    * New Expression mode: 2 Octave Bend
    * Hazarai knob for presets
    * FX loop, switchable as to whether it is before or after the envelope
    * Expression in

    Basically: the

    *Everything the HOG has
    *Advanced algorithm and DSP used on POG2
    *FX loop, switchable as to whether is is before or after the envelope
    *Full Midi CC control over all the sliders and functions
    *Expression Hold mode from the XO HOG
    *2 octave bend expression mode
    *Hazarai style preset knob
    *selectable functions for secondary and tertiary switches
    * Footswitch button functions: Expression Button like on the old HOG, Expression Mode cycle, Preset Cycle, Envelope, Expression Hold
    *Envelope can control volume AND/OR Filter. Buttons as appropriate to do allow for such.

    Basically: The works.

    Nano HOG
    *Input, Output, Expression Out
    *Blend knob (mixes between dry and original)
    *Expression mode knob, like on Hazarai.
    *Expression direction switch
    *2 octave bends

    Basically: The expression modes, and only that. Nothing more, nothing less. Probably could use a different name, because at this point, it’s not really a HOG anymore.

    *controllable rate in modulation mode
    *external controller box to use looping features more conveniently, and select presets
    *undo function on loops
    *have feedback control on loops make loops fade out naturally if not set to 100%, like on other loopers
    *stutter function for looping
    *less modes- sliders so that more can be controlled at once
    *ratios on the tap tempo[/b]


    looking at what’s still in big boxes I’m wondering if the polychorus and deluxe Electric mistress will have any updates?

    The DEM only has 3 knobs, and a typical large xo has 6…and the polychorus has 5 so there’s room to add something extra on those I guess.

    Stoner Wizard
    *controllable rate in modulation mode
    *external controller box to use looping features more conveniently, and select presets
    *undo function on loops
    *have feedback control on loops make loops fade out naturally if not set to 100%, like on other loopers

    * An input for using expression pedal (despite I don’t use).
    * “Trails on/off” option for repeats – I wish I’d choose if I want the repeats cut off abruptly or fade away gently when I disengage the effect. Other similar delay/loopers in its price range can do it.

    How about offering “upgrade” of the current SMM/Hazarai units to add this feature?. Would be an extremely difficult mod?. That’s the only thing that my SMM/H lacks to be 100 % perfect.




    trails would rule

    you could mod an SMMH to do trails, but it would no longer be TB

    Stoner Wizard
    trails would rule

    you could mod an SMMH to do trails, but it would no longer be TB

    Is it really True-Bypass?. I thought the SMM/Hazarai has buffers for bypass. Also I remember that Analog Man’s web site comments about the Hazarai, that being a true stereo device it’s impossible to make it True Bypass.

    Here is the link: http://www.buyanalogman.com/product_p/eh stereo memory man hazarai.htm

    However, what could be nice is that the Hazarai would perform as Line 6 DL4, where you can choose between True Bypass (no trails) and Delay Remain Bypass or buffers (trails).

    I read the manual and I didn’t find any reference to True Bypass. Is it anywhere?.



    trails would rule

    you could mod an SMMH to do trails, but it would no longer be TB

    Is it really True-Bypass?. I thought the SMM/Hazarai has buffers for bypass. Also I remember that Analog Man’s web site comments about the Hazarai, that being a true stereo device it’s impossible to make it True Bypass.

    Here is the link: http://www.buyanalogman.com/product_p/eh stereo memory man hazarai.htm

    However, what could be nice is that the Hazarai would perform as Line 6 DL4, where you can choose between True Bypass (no trails) and Delay Remain Bypass or buffers (trails).

    I read the manual and I didn’t find any reference to True Bypass. Is it anywhere?.



    In Bypass mode, the MONO/Left Input Jack is connected directly to the MONO/Left Output Jack. The Right Jack is connected directly to the Right Output Jack. If no plug is inserted into the Right Input Jack, then the MONO/Left Input Jack will also connect to the Right Output Jack.

    I dunno if you wanna call that ‘true bypass’ or not, but it would seem that’s why you don’t get trails on the delays when you bypass it.

    Stoner Wizard
    trails would rule

    you could mod an SMMH to do trails, but it would no longer be TB

    Is it really True-Bypass?. I thought the SMM/Hazarai has buffers for bypass. Also I remember that Analog Man’s web site comments about the Hazarai, that being a true stereo device it’s impossible to make it True Bypass.

    Here is the link: http://www.buyanalogman.com/product_p/eh stereo memory man hazarai.htm

    However, what could be nice is that the Hazarai would perform as Line 6 DL4, where you can choose between True Bypass (no trails) and Delay Remain Bypass or buffers (trails).

    I read the manual and I didn’t find any reference to True Bypass. Is it anywhere?.




    In Bypass mode, the MONO/Left Input Jack is connected directly to the MONO/Left Output Jack. The Right Jack is connected directly to the Right Output Jack. If no plug is inserted into the Right Input Jack, then the MONO/Left Input Jack will also connect to the Right Output Jack.

    I dunno if you wanna call that ‘true bypass’ or not, but it would seem that’s why you don’t get trails on the delays when you bypass it.

    I only questioned because I was a bit confused about it, unlike most of today-EH pedals which are clearly stated as “True Bypass” or certain models like Metal Muff which are clearly labeled as “Buffered Bypass”. Similar to SMM/Hazarai is the XO Stereo Pulsar manual doesn’t specify as clear if it’s “True Bypass” or not.

    The only thing I suggested is that I wish you could choose between “trails on/off” with a simple button or like DL4 does (just pressing two switches as you plug the input jack you can swap the bypass method).

    The TC Nova Delay, which I use and pair with the SMM/Hazarai is a buffered bypass delay. But you can choose to have trails or not just by pressing a button.

    Other buffered bypass delays like the newest Tech 21 Boost DLA, has a “trail on/off” option, while the early model has not trails, but it’s still “buffered”.

    That’s what I meant, nothing else.

    I’m not obsessed with TBP. If I like an effect and suits with my music style or tastes, I’ll get it.

    As a conclusion: What Analog-Man page says about SMM/Hazarai is wrong, as it’s stated there that SMM/Hazarai is not TBP. But as you’ve said about in/out routing features, SMM/Hazarai is already TBP. What a mess!.

    The only thing that matters to me is that SMM/Hazarai sounds, performs great and here’s the reason for me to use it!

    Thanks for the info.

    PD for EH Staff: Check it out the Analog-Man website to check if anything stated there with the SMM/Hazarai would be considered “misleading”.



    Wishlist for the next generation of digital pedals- HOG, 2880, and SMMH2

    Did you just forget the 2880 part? ; )

    I only questioned because I was a bit confused about it, unlike most of today-EH pedals which are clearly stated as “True Bypass” or certain models like Metal Muff which are clearly labeled as “Buffered Bypass”. Similar to SMM/Hazarai is the XO Stereo Pulsar manual doesn’t specify as clear if it’s “True Bypass” or not.

    I’m not obsessed with TBP. If I like an effect and suits with my music style or tastes, I’ll get it.

    As a conclusion: What Analog-Man page says about SMM/Hazarai is wrong, as it’s stated there that SMM/Hazarai is not TBP. But as you’ve said about in/out routing features, SMM/Hazarai is already TBP. What a mess!.

    The only thing that matters to me is that SMM/Hazarai sounds, performs great and here’s the reason for me to use it!

    Thanks for the info.



    yeah, I agree it can be confusing and like you say it doesn’t clearly state it….I have a feeling it because it uses a type of bypass that’s different to what’s generally considered as ‘true bypass'(due it being stereo maybe) and they didn’t want to mislead people. I really have no idea, I’m just guessing!! either way, yeah…..trails are nice. :)

    Wishlist for the next generation of digital pedals- HOG, 2880, and SMMH2

    Did you just forget the 2880 part? ; )


    suggest some stuff, and I’ll add it

    I got tired of thinking


    Oh, and Stoner Wizard, I totally forgot that the SMMH isn’t TB. D’oh!

    Anyways, I think what you’d want to do is make an external TB loop box, but add a 1p1t latching flip switch for trails. You’d wire one side to the return jack, and one side to the send jack. When the switch is in the off position, the pedal would work as a TB pedal. But when it is in the ON position, the return of the loop will always be connected to the out of the pedal.


    I’m gonna have to do my own version of this thread, sorry.


    One thing that I have to say I don’t like about the SMMH is the separate modes. Does modulation really have to be independent of the echo mode? I’d like modulated repeats with the smearing.

    I’d have it be something like this:

    dry, wet, delay, feedback, repeats, depth, rate, decay, smear

    Repeats = multi-tap repeats knob
    Feedback = echo repeats knob
    depth = modulation depth
    rate = modulation rate
    decay = multi-tap decay knob
    smear = echo decay knob

    Then have a 3 way switch for normal, reverse, and loop modes

    Then have another switch for choosing between the normal secondary FSW function, and the function it has in 1 second + reverse mode.


    2880 2:
    A better LIVE mix-down (option to simply clear out the 4 loops when mixdown is complete, or something that would prevent a second pass over dub/jump in volume.)
    Save multiple loop sets
    Independent loop lengths
    On/Off switch for Feedback control with sliders
    Mute channel buttons (accessible thru Midi, but I need buttons)

    Secondary ideas:
    A second set of assignable outs?
    Effects sends for loops
    Punch in on the foot controller
    Master volume knob (not sure this is necessary at all)

    Third tier ideas:
    A simple “one cable/no midi” way to sync multiple units
    Ships with bigger card (yeah the price goes up, but when someone is paying this much for a looper – they’re most certainly going to upgrade the card. Why pay twice for something just to have EHX keep the price point lower… when it kind of screws the end user)
    Savable presets for delay modes. Where it basically loads in a blank loop of saved size for use as delay. 2 sec, 4 sec, etc…


    I would like to ad to my list for the 2880 V2:

    An output for the click track, that when a jack is in place it mutes it from the mains and sends only out this jack. Or maybe just out the headphones even. But I want this to sync my click track sync units.

    Also wirelss transfer of .Wav files, because I’m too lazy to plug it into my computer. :D

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