Home Forums Help/Technical Questions will the Voodoo Labs Pedal Power 2+ power the HOG?

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    I’m going to get a PP2+ soon and would like to know.

    AFAIK everything else I have except the frequency analyzer can be powered by it.

    The EH Man
    I’m going to get a PP2+ soon and would like to know.

    AFAIK everything else I have except the frequency analyzer can be powered by it.

    According to Voodoo Labs’ site, the max current supplied by any 9vdc outlet is 250mA. The EHX Hog ships with a 9vdc, 500mA power supply. From this, I would imagine the Hog requires at least 300mA to operate correctly.

    The short answer: I don’t think it will.


    Well someone also pointed out to me the barrel size is different. So that’s another thing.


    Barrel size isn’t an issue… you’d just need the right cable with the right barrel end. The PP2+ comes with a decent variety, and special cables like 18V/24V Y-cables are available from them directly or from a few other online shops. I special-ordered a Y cable to power my old Bass Micro Synthesizer when I still owned one.

    However, if the HOG really does need more than 250mA to function, then the right cable won’t help you in that regard…


    yeah I emailed Voodoo Labs. . .

    I have a feeling that it will power it if I find the right connector. I’m getting a PP2+ regardless.

    If I can’t power it immediately with it, I have one of those things that you can plug into a power outlet that makes it into 3 outlets, so I guess I could just plug that in.

    If I can’t power it immediately with it, I have one of those things that you can plug into a power outlet that makes it into 3 outlets, so I guess I could just plug that in.

    The PP2+ also has a 3-prong courtesy AC outlet on the back. I used it for the wall wart of my Digitech Whammy IV, back when I had a Whammy. That should save you some space on your power strip. ;)


    well that’s going to be for my frequency analyzer, and if I can’t power the HOG with it, It will have one of those 3 plug things in it so I can plug both in.


    voodoo labs says that it won’t power the HOG. Oh well.


    You can hook two outputs in parallel, so you have double the current. That’s quite an easy cable to build.


    nice idea there


    The PP2+ can power the HOG I found out.


    -You need to use either the 5th or 6th power output. Free one of them up and check the DIP switch to ensure they are in the correct position for 9V operation. In 9v mode it should be operating at 250ma.

    -You need a reverse polarity cable, because the HOG needs center positive 9v power. A few are include with your PP2+, and they have red endings for easy identification. The red plug should go into your HOG, the black plug into the PP2+.

    -Voila! It works!

    If I can’t power it immediately with it, I have one of those things that you can plug into a power outlet that makes it into 3 outlets, so I guess I could just plug that in.

    The PP2+ also has a 3-prong courtesy AC outlet on the back. I used it for the wall wart of my Digitech Whammy IV, back when I had a Whammy. That should save you some space on your power strip. ;)

    So that means that outlet only works for AC pedals???


    The 3 prong courtesy outlet is like a normal wall outlet, which is AC 120v. The purpose of it is for either plugging in an AC/DC or AC/AC adapter. You can power whatever pedals you have the appropriate adapter for in, DC or AC.


    also does it inculde a mains cable


    Yes, of course. The PP2+ runs off of a mains cable.

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