Home Forums Help/Technical Questions WHY HAVE I DISAPPEARED FROM THIS SITE?

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    Jesse, I should correct that my avatar was never deleted but individual posts were, I’ve always been Tut. I know you were grade-grubbing your posts ;) , sorry you have to start over but it doesn’t sound like its gonna be fixed, so don’t let it get you down.

    Melx and other volunteer admins, thanks for trying. I’m not going to sweat it. I’m here on this unmanned, rickety roller coaster of a forum and I’ll just start fresh.

    The EH Man

    Super Admin Ran is looking into the problems.


    muy bien

    Unfortunately, the Super Admins on this forum are apparently unreachable. I never get any response to my PMs to them.

    To be blunt I get the feeling that nobody at EHX gives a toss about this forum… which is kind of sad as along with Scott we worked damn hard to get it up and running. But what we have here was still under development when Scott left…. and since he left we have had no contact at all from anyone from EHX or anyone with any ‘power’ to change things on the forum, sticky threads, create new sections or anything like that. … it’s just been left, with us lot managing the best we can with what’s here. It’s a pretty annoying situation to say the least when there are things that need doing and none of us can do anything about it. … including looking into what’s happened with these accounts.

    Regular members won’t know this but there is an admin section on the forum where admin can discuss things and contact other admin, I’ve posted several times in there asking for an explanation from EHX as to what’s going on but have never got a reply and I have posted asking about your accounts, again… nothing. (so far)

    so again… many apologies, but there is nothing more any of us can do, we’ll just have to hold our breath along with you guys and see if anyone from EHX wants to make a decision about the forum and maybe give ‘super’ status to a couple of us so we can look after the forum properly… or something.

    wow, there is so much i was unaware of with the forums :worried:

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