Home Forums Help/Technical Questions WHY HAVE I DISAPPEARED FROM THIS SITE?

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    All my contributions have been deleted and my name was ‘inactive’ despite being on here most days this week. This is the second time this has happened. I noticed friedjesseradio disappeared suddenly too. Is something wrong with the site or am I being blackballed for excessive awesomeness? Worst part, now I have to be a newbie again.


    !!!!! i never heard of that before, you got me scared now too! :worried:


    I’m trying to get answers…… sorry Sim Tut, I have no idea why that has happened.


    Trouble is us admin have very little access to the deeper parts of the forum. All I can see myself is that neither of your accounts (you or jesse) appear on the members list, when I get spam posts and delete the account it gives an option of removing all posts by that account…. but I have no idea why any admin would do that to your accounts. Unless some idiot reported your your posts as spam and another admin deleted your accounts without checking, but I think that’s pretty unlikely..and I didn’t get an email notification regarding anything like that. I’m totally at a loss right now… sorry… if I can get any answers I will let you know straight away.

    The EH Man

    Unfortunately, the Super Admins on this forum are apparently unreachable. I never get any response to my PMs to them.

    Unfortunately, the Super Admins on this forum are apparently unreachable. I never get any response to my PMs to them.

    To be blunt I get the feeling that nobody at EHX gives a toss about this forum… which is kind of sad as along with Scott we worked damn hard to get it up and running. But what we have here was still under development when Scott left…. and since he left we have had no contact at all from anyone from EHX or anyone with any ‘power’ to change things on the forum, sticky threads, create new sections or anything like that. … it’s just been left, with us lot managing the best we can with what’s here. It’s a pretty annoying situation to say the least when there are things that need doing and none of us can do anything about it. … including looking into what’s happened with these accounts.

    Regular members won’t know this but there is an admin section on the forum where admin can discuss things and contact other admin, I’ve posted several times in there asking for an explanation from EHX as to what’s going on but have never got a reply and I have posted asking about your accounts, again… nothing. (so far)

    so again… many apologies, but there is nothing more any of us can do, we’ll just have to hold our breath along with you guys and see if anyone from EHX wants to make a decision about the forum and maybe give ‘super’ status to a couple of us so we can look after the forum properly… or something.


    It’s really something very sad, because this IS a nice forum, but it’s hanging from a thin thread. It needs some cleaning up, and unfortunately you can’t atm.

    It’s really something very sad, because this IS a nice forum, but it’s hanging from a thin thread. It needs some cleaning up, and unfortunately you can’t atm.

    Something I’ve wanted to discuss for a while is the possibility of breaking up the ‘help’ section in to two (or more) sections.. one for general help from other EHX users (regular admin included) and another for more specific questions for EHX staff … like customer returns, forum account problems and all that kind of thing, a lot of time we can’t answer those kind of questions..and to be frank it’s isn’t our ‘job’ to answer that kind of stuff, although we often try to help because we don’t like seeing people ignored. People often think we are privy to information that regular members aren’t, but the fact is we’re not… Like I say, I’ve thought about things we can do to improve the site for everyone, but we have no way doing anything right now.


    And I think that a lot of new forum-members with technical questions have the idea that admin-users are EHX-staff..


    hey sim tut, when did the previous delete happen? what was your name before?

    i was unaware that the forum is hanging by a thread. and by scott, are you talkin about flick? he gets on occasionally to answer some questions on new products or did he just recently leave?

    i was at school when i OFFICIALLY found out that my account had disappeared so i couldnt create a new one (e-mail is blocked here) and so i searched in the contact info and found their number. i went to the bathroom and tried calling. the phone contact is basically (as i see it) only for their products. – sucks –

    sim tut, do you remember post ANYTHING possibly offensive or spam-acious on here? i dont think i did.

    and to delete the account, you would have to go through my e-mail wouldnt you. so because of that i dont think it was necessarily hacked. i think it might have been a REALLY big hiccup in the website.

    if my account was deleted by an admin, i would get a notification e-mail wouldnt i?

    hey sim tut, when did the previous delete happen? what was your name before?

    i was unaware that the forum is hanging by a thread. and by scott, are you talkin about flick? he gets on occasionally to answer some questions on new products or did he just recently leave?

    i was at school when i OFFICIALLY found out that my account had disappeared so i couldnt create a new one (e-mail is blocked here) and so i searched in the contact info and found their number. i went to the bathroom and tried calling. the phone contact is basically (as i see it) only for their products. – sucks –

    sim tut, do you remember post ANYTHING possibly offensive or spam-acious on here? i dont think i did.

    and to delete the account, you would have to go through my e-mail wouldnt you. so because of that i dont think it was necessarily hacked. i think it might have been a REALLY big hiccup in the website.

    if my account was deleted by an admin, i would get a notification e-mail wouldnt i?

    lol, well it’s not really ‘hanging by a thread’ … well hopefully not anyway!

    The ‘Scott’ I mention is Scott Matthews, son of Mike Matthews… He used to be in regular contact with all of us and if anything needed doing he was the man to speak to. He set the forum up along with our help and input. But last year he stopped working on the EHX website for whatever reasons (that’s his buisness, not ours) and since then there has been nobody ‘in charge’ and nobody for us to seek help from.

    Like you say Flick pops in now and again but he doesn’t have admin status… an EHX staff member called ‘Fuzz’ does have admin status, but I’ve not seen him post for months either.

    oh, and with regard to hacking and accounts getting deleated, I’d think that is unlikely…but any person with admin status can do it in an instant, so it’s more likely that an admins account was used not your own account. I’m not saying that’s what happened but it’s possible with people having shared computers and stuff I suppose… I wouldn’t worry though, I seriously doubt it’s anything you guys have done. :) …. and hopefully we’ll find out, we’ll do our best for you anyway.

    And I think that a lot of new forum-members with technical questions have the idea that admin-users are EHX-staff..

    ha, yeah… we get that a lot. … it’s especially difficult with stuff relating to new pedals because a lot of the time we don’t own them… or haven’t even had the chance to try one out.

    …if EHX are going to put “Have a question, comment, suggestion? Come join the EHX Forums! You’ll meet EHX staff and knowledgable users from around the world.” on the front page of the website then they need to have a member of staff spend a few mins a day answering those questions that we can’t… it’s frustrating.


    Jeepers, that’s pretty scary… To be honest, I began losing interest in the forum after Scott left. Updates got few and far between.

    It’s really something very sad, because this IS a nice forum, but it’s hanging from a thin thread. It needs some cleaning up, and unfortunately you can’t atm.

    Something I’ve wanted to discuss for a while is the possibility of breaking up the ‘help’ section in to two (or more) sections.. one for general help from other EHX users (regular admin included) and another for more specific questions for EHX staff … like customer returns, forum account problems and all that kind of thing, a lot of time we can’t answer those kind of questions..and to be frank it’s isn’t our ‘job’ to answer that kind of stuff, although we often try to help because we don’t like seeing people ignored. People often think we are privy to information that regular members aren’t, but the fact is we’re not… Like I say, I’ve thought about things we can do to improve the site for everyone, but we have no way doing anything right now.

    it’s a great idea, and I’m not saying that the forum will slowly die, or anything like that, but we must be aware that since there is no one from ehx that we can talk to, we’ll have to get used to what we have so far. I mean, the site could be better than it is now, if you guys were super admins. I think that we should just wait until there is a better administration here.


    somebody should hack it and become a super admin, they probably wouldnt notice or care

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