Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Which Small Stone ?

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  • #82074
    Mr. ORANGE

    Hi, I really want the Small Stone. But which one ?
    1. – My chain is split in two (one with FuzzFactory to the normal channel of AC30, the other with a booster in crunchy Top boost channel) and I would like to use it on both channels + I like it before dirt pedals anyway – so it would be handy to have a true bypass Small Stone because my FuzzFactory needs true bypass effects in front of it.
    2. I like the looks of the classic Small Stones and I would rather have vintage or reissue one simply because it’s cool and to my ear it’s even better sounding.

    So please help me out – are the pre-nano versions worth the huge problems I’d have with them (different effect configuration would mean more tap dancing), volume drop, I guess even higher risk of failure due to it’s age etc…I love the old design and I’d rather buy cool looking and better sounding vintage stuff but I really can’t compare all of them without buying all of them…And nano seems so convenient having TB and no volume drop (size doesn’t bother me)…

    Thanks, you guys are a huge help for me…

    PS: I’ve read somewhere that some newer big box Stones have a True bypass…Can someone please verify this? THX a lot for answers…


    i have a green russian that im pretty happy with, but i feel like it could be a little smoother

    Mr. ORANGE

    So I ended up with v3 Small Stone with great sound and I don’t give a damn about those true bypass, no-LED etc. issues any longer…It ROCKS !!! The pot was made in 1979 so I’m guessing the Stone is from 1980-82 ? And there was a Duracell battery 20+ years old and it’s still working. :-)

    Just one question though, can it be powered by daisy-chained 1-SPOT (with the 3,5 jack add-on) ? Thanks :-) EHX FOREVER !


    my v1 could and I don’t think there’ve been many revisions to the power circuitry.

    Mr. ORANGE
    my v1 could and I don’t think there’ve been many revisions to the power circuitry.



    I´ll say if you can v3, the best

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