Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Which Phaser is better?

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    It has a different sweep, which the Hoax doesn`t have…

    Ned Flanders

    The immediate differences are the fact that one you can set in a few seconds while the others take a lot of messing with to get your favorite sounds. The small stone is the best of the simple phasers around IMO.


    Hello… I just bought a Flanger Hoax and it’s strangely silent. Is it supposed to be like that? The pedal has no volume contol knob, and when I play with it bypassed the sound volume is normal. When I turn the Flanger on, it turns the sound down a lot. There must be something wrong with it if the volume levels are so different with it on and off. I paid a lot of money for this, because let’s be honest, your pedals aren’t cheap. So what’s the deal with this Flanger cutting my output level? Is it broken or is it supposed to work like this?

    Hello… I just bought a Flanger Hoax and it’s strangely silent. Is it supposed to be like that? The pedal has no volume contol knob, and when I play with it bypassed the sound volume is normal. When I turn the Flanger on, it turns the sound down a lot. There must be something wrong with it if the volume levels are so different with it on and off. I paid a lot of money for this, because let’s be honest, your pedals aren’t cheap. So what’s the deal with this Flanger cutting my output level? Is it broken or is it supposed to work like this?

    Try some of these settings: http://acapella.harmony-central.com/forums/showpost.php?p=23027521&postcount=37

    You might hear a slight volume drop, but not as much as you are saying.

    Are you using the correct power supply?

    Are you using other pedals in your chain? If so, try plugging your guitar directly into the Flanger Hoax, and then go directly to your amp from the blended output of the Flanger Hoax. Is there still a major volume drop? If so, then you might have a faulty unit. If not, then something else in your chain is interfering with the signal.


    Well, I will get a Flanger Hoax! :)

    I just want to thank everyone for every useful suggestion and recommendation. :clap:

    Bye! :wave:


    Well, I’m looking for an old, analog, pure, deep and very warm phaser effect: which one got this kind of sound?

    That is what I am searching for.

    Will the Worm get this sound effect?

    the Polyphase isn’t thick and gooey enough for me

    And that is exactly what has been putting me off the Polyphase.


    Hey, wait a minute before you get the hoax. I have my opinion :lol:. He said it was for a keyb, so, something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rin6TBw4PEk The flanger hoax is way too mucho of a phaser for his purpose. But anyway, if you’ll get the HOAX enjoy it! I really want one. Oh ok, just realized: Posted: 15 March 2009 10:47 AM.


    although i absolutely LOVE the polyphase, if you want to get more vintage phase sounds, the small stone would be the better choice.

    i have/had all three, but only kept the polyphase and the hoax (mainly for flanging, but there and then for weird stuff and phasing as well).

    that said – there are sooo many great phaser pedals out there! don’t forget the XII from TC Electronic which lets you choose phase stages and is super clean (maybe too clean). ibanez/maxon phasers are great too.

    but with the polyphase – it’s my favorite phaser apart from a schulte (which imho is the best of all!).

    if you want JUST good deep phasing and don’t need extras – small stone!


    The old Bad Stone is Bad Ass! You can still get them on ebay.


    whats the phase like on the small stone ? and can the worm do small stone sounds ?


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