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    Okay here is the deal i need a delay ..I have never really used delay much for anything other than thickening up my tone which i found a phaser that worked better for this than a delay… ..So i sold my vintage analog Pearl delay which was a fantastic delay…
    Here are my choices first is the Ibanez DE7 which is an extremely good sounding delay for a very cheap price ..It runs about $65 new…
    Next is the EHX Memory Boy that has a few options DE7 doesn’t but the DE7 has some things the memory boy doesn’t have also..Plus EHX is by far my favorite effects maker..Over half the pedals on my board are EHX..
    The next is the EHX #1 Echo Delay..I don’t know much about this box but the adds ive heard i really like the sound..
    Which of the 3 would you go with and why?Thanks for your help


    i like the memory boy the most out of the choices so i’d get that.

    i like the memory boy the most out of the choices so i’d get that.

    yeah and you can control it with an expression pedal…

    or for simple use, I think the memory toy looks good and compare better to your other choices and should be warmer than a digital delay…but that’s a matter of taste.


    I see that you have digital and analog pedals in mind, so first of all think what do you want. According to what you’ve said, seems the MBoy is the one.


    i’d go for the new ones – either Toy or Boy (i’d go for a Boy for the better control of the modulation)

    my friend just got his MT and he is really happy about it… and he is kinda demanding when it comes to delay

    besides the quality they are priced very nicely


    I’ve got the #1 Echo, however I find it lacks from not having a way to control the tempo, other than turning the delay rate knob, which is a pain live, especially when you want it to match the tempo of the song you’re on. I’m of the opinion that any digital delay should always have a tap tempo. The Stereo MM w/ Hazarai has a tap tempo. I’m picking one up soon to replace my #1 Echo, although I will be keeping the #1 Echo, because despite my complaints, it is excellent and sounds great and I’ll keep it anyway. I bet it would be fun to use it after the SMMw/H to double up on delays..
    Would that work? Have a delay pedal delaying a delayed signal? Bet you could get some wacky stuff going on.

    I’ve got the #1 Echo, however I find it lacks from not having a way to control the tempo, other than turning the delay rate knob, which is a pain live, especially when you want it to match the tempo of the song you’re on. I’m of the opinion that any digital delay should always have a tap tempo. The Stereo MM w/ Hazarai has a tap tempo. I’m picking one up soon to replace my #1 Echo, although I will be keeping the #1 Echo, because despite my complaints, it is excellent and sounds great and I’ll keep it anyway. I bet it would be fun to use it after the SMMw/H to double up on delays..
    Would that work? Have a delay pedal delaying a delayed signal? Bet you could get some wacky stuff going on.

    yeah, I would try to warm-up the digital delay with a analog delay…or the other way around.

    I still have my Boss DD-3 and I’m not going to get rid of it. It’s actually my only pedal I nerver got rid of…!


    I’m the O.P and here is the story and it may help with what im looking for..I mostly play classic blues based rock and traditional electric blues..We have now added a few plain classic rock tunes for just shits and grins ..One Is a Molly Hatchet tune with a Delay in the solo and the other is the solo to Bad Co’s feel like making love which uses a lot of delay..So my guess and maybe you could help is that i would be looking for an analog tone..I do not know a lot about delays..I have mostly only used them on very slight settings to thicken my tone other than slight use on solo’s…


    the best analog delay out there is the DMM imo but it’s a bit too expensive.

    I never had a chance to compare it with the Boy or Toy but it’s suppose to be similar because they’re analog delays too.

    I would give the Toy a try for a subtle delay sound, it even has the chorus modulation wich I use on my DMM but just slitly. it hads to the lush of the repeats…

    It’s cheap and save lots of space on a board…I might pick one up soon if I ever need to make some space for a POG2…

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