Home Forums The Lounge Which current production EHX pedals do you think will become highly valued in the future?

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  • #91176
    I’ll say the Hazarai is an instant classic. That thing eats the DL4. It eats it and makes a bitterly sour face, because the Haz can’t hide its disdain for lesser pedals.

    The Hazarai is an amazing pedal…..although (in relation to this thread) unless the company folds altogether I can’t see them ever not making it……unless some new technology comes out and a new memory man is born from that I suppose.


    all the puretube designs? :)

    Ned Flanders

    I don’t even like the sound of the sovtek muffs, they suck IMO, so i modded both my sovteks to NYC muffs. I only like them because of the soviet stylings of the boxes and if I didn’t collect them I would never buy a sovtek muff, ever!

    I don’t even like the sound of the sovtek muffs, they suck IMO, so i modded both my sovteks to NYC muffs. I only like them because of the soviet stylings of the boxes and if I didn’t collect them I would never buy a sovtek muff, ever!

    Sovtek muff’s suck? This is a very wr-wr-wr-wrong statement dood (I just discovered a new way to spell food: fude). You can’t just go around spewing heresy (oh how I hate religion) like that. If you wanted soviet muff to sound like fatass obese USA muff, why did you not just buy fatass obese USA muff in the first place? Sovtek Muff = Buddha’s form of nirvana in fuzzbox guise. I realize that I am kind of (or really) an asshole, my apologies.


    Back on topic:

    I believe the Hog & Flanger Hoax “will become highly valued in the future”.

    —> :worried: <---

    Back on topic:

    I believe the Hog & Flanger Hoax “will become highly valued in the future”.

    —> :worried: <---

    definitely the flanger hoax


    Perhaps even simple stuff, like the Micro QTron, since few pedal-makers produce low-priced high-quality envelope filters.
    The NYC Muff and the TW Muff too, I guess.


    I’d be curious to know which EHX effects are prized by Chinese collectors. Once the Chinese have an interest in discontinued EHX, Americans will hide their pedals like the French hide their best wine. ;) :poke:

    I’d have to say that the big POG will probably become a collectors item within about 10 years or so, probably because it’s going to become XO’d with some possible control changes. I also think the Double Muff will become somewhat sought after, because it’s probably going to end up discontinued (not that I want it to, this is just speculation). What are your thoughts? What pedals do you think I should buy so they can be sold in a time of crisis for big bucks somewhere down the road?

    No way you’d XO the POG. THe entire selling point is that it’s so versatile, it would be like shooting yourself in the foot.

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