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  • #77770

    lol, I guess someone will love it!!


    I can’t remember the last time Gibson had a good idea. Maybe when they introduced the SG? 🙄


    I wouldn’t buy it, but I would use it if someone gave it to me :D

    John J

    That’s okay, nobody seems to be having particularly cool ideas this year. I mean, that Gibson is just hideous but at least the big three are all having kinda lame contests/limited editions… (I guess that Fender link is just a contest and not a new product so I will say this: Fender’s Road Worn guitars aren’t super terrible, but they’re certainly not cheap and for me there’s something just a little off about shelling out big bucks for a new guitar that has already been abused.)

    Mind you, guitar companies have been doing stupid crap like this for years, as long as they continue to offer their ‘regular’ products there should be decent new axes around for decades.

    I guess this is the year of ‘established guitarists to buy rad new pedals because there are tons coming out from EHX (Coming Soon), MXR (the new ones between the Wylde Overdrive and Variphase all seem pretty chief), Zvex (Distortron and Mastotron) and others.

    Dr. Matt

    This is why i find gibson annoying – they make some amazing guitars, that can’t be denied, but they behave like a bunch of attention seeking children sometimes, when they really don’t need to because they are quite possibly the most well known guitar brand out there.


    That is disgusting


    Who would buy a guitar with holes in it? Really, its just stupid imo.


    …I like it.



    it sort of looks cool, but i dont think i would like there to be holes in my guitar while im playing it. its cool to just look at though :freak:

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