Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics What would it sound like if I combine the Big Muff and a metal distortion pedal?

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    i dont own a big muff YET. but im just trying to find out what would it sound like if i combine the two pedals.. would it sound really heavy? a sound demo will be appreciated.. thanks!


    Lots of variables here. What is the other distortion pedal that you want to drive it with? Dirt pedals are all so particular to me. Its hard to say what it will sound like. But as an example, I used to run a Big Muff in front of a Graphic Fuzz (distortion plus EQ) and it sounded amazing. However I think that was more due to the EQ part after the Muff than the two distortions. Other people run an overdrive-ish pedal like a tube screamer and a Big Muff at the same time with good results.


    the pedal im going to use with the big muff is a digitech metal master. i heard korn used to combine both and it sounds really heavy but im not sure if its true…


    Go to a shop with your guitar and pedal and try it!


    lots of NOISE and a muddy distortion sound


    REALLY, REALLY loud!!! I’ve tried my Micro Metal Muff into my Big Muff w/ Tone Wicker and vice versa. I prefer the Big Muff alone, though.


    I quite like combining different DIST/OD/Boost pedals and the muff sounds amazing combined with my other pedals AS LONG AS IT IS THE LAST DIRT PEDAL ON THE SIGNAL CHAIN (in my opinion).

    I obviously don’t have the gain all the way up.

    Combinations I have tried succesfully:

    1. MXR Microamp -> BMP (Very fuzzy. Brings the best ou of my BMP. Love it!!!!)
    2. Vox Satchurator -> BMP (Sounds Heavy, very modern type distortion.)
    3. MXR Wylde OD -> BMP (That good old David Gilmour Tone)
    4. Ibanez TK-999 -> BMP (Bluesy…very bluesy)

    They all sound huge when combined and in all instances the other pedals added clarity and note definition to the BMP tone. But again, I don’t use much gain on my dirt pedals which makes it a lot easier to combine them.

    So, as mentioned before, go to a shop with you Guitar and Pedal and try a BMP on an amp similar to yours (if possible same model). Play around with different Gain and EQ Settings. Swap positions between the Muff and the other Dist pedals.

    You are the judge!


    If you want an interesting combo with the Big Muff combine it with an octave-fuzz. I like the Mxr Blue Box going into my BMTW. Very out of wack fuzz!


    I like a nice mild distortion into a Green Russian Muff.
    Right now I’ve been using A Ibanez TS9 into the Muff
    I think a proco rat sounds good into the muff as well, it is just a little too modern sounding for my style. If you like a more traditional metal tone then check it out.

    I feel like a rule of thumb when combining dirt pedals is: a little goes a long way.
    Dial the gain down a little bit and the notes can cut through better and still rock a heavy distortion.

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