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  • #79680

    im currently in the market for a reverb pedal but wondering what to get. was thinking the kehx cathedral or maybe the hardwire digitech rv7 unit. anyone got any recommendations/preferences?


    well personally i wouldn’t recommend a Digitek, Ive had many of them in the past and there digital reverb sound to me at least sounds unnatural. so that leaves EHX, witch i would highly recommend, but still you have many choices, there reverbs very from natural and unnatural sounds in one box, if you still wanted sum odd stuff, the Cathedral does sound very nice but i haven’t played one myself, just seen Youtube vids of it. i myself own a Holier Grail, and am very happy with it. it has many natural reverb sounds and sum others, like “Flerb” a very cool effect. (reverb with a subtle flange to it)


    cool. im just interested in any opinions really. the cathedral seems to be getting a lot of votes form people which is cool. will probably end up plumping for that


    cathedral for sure ;-)


    coming from an ehx administrator?! surely not haha!


    i agree, cathedral. but if your looking for something more simple, then a regular holy grail would be good.

    coming from an ehx administrator?! surely not haha!

    EHX Forum Administrator.

    None of us actually work for EHX. Well, there are a few administrators who have (EHX Staff) in their name, but they never post.

    I’ve actually never owned a pedal reverb myself, only delays. . . if I were to get one I’d take looks at the following:

    EHX Cathedral, Holiest Grail (discontinued I know)
    Malekko Chicklet
    Danelectro Spring King (also discontinued)

    John J

    if you haven’t made your decision yet, it is worth noting that i have been rather enamoured with the boss FRV-1, the ’63 fender reverb sim, lately.

    much like the boss RE-20, it is a one-or-two trick pony but it does those tricks extremely well – if you don’t need all the awesome cool stuff the cathedral offers, i highly recommend saving your $100 and going for this. i used to own the real fender tank, this sim sounds probably 90% as good (maybe not quite 90%, because you can’t kick it, but close) and only costs 1/5th what the fender tank costs.

    aside from the fact that the boss unit is not noisy like the real deal, i PROBABLY would not be able to tell the difference if someone set up a ‘reverb shootout.’ also, the boss unit is way way ‘springier’ than the grail spring sound (the holy grail sounds like a clean, short spring reverb – the FRV gets that nasty surf-slap). oh, and the boss unit runs off of batteries and doesn’t have a volume drop – i am not sure if the cathedral has any volume drop, but the holy grail got quieter the higher you turned the blend.

    my two cents there. if you want anything fancier than a faithful spring reverb, go with the cathedral – no doubt.

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