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    Just got a Maxon OD808 reissue that’s been on my list for a while. I really look set to grab a Memory Toy once the shops around here have it in stock and am also thinking about a new wah. I heard a Vox pedal moded by Robert Keeley that sounds awesome…



    -big muff usa
    -small clone
    -analog man modded dod 250
    -germanium sun face


    Tube Zipper (anyone tried this on bass?)

    Flanger Hoax

    CatalinBread SFT

    Dwarfcraft Hair of the Dog


    memory toy. But first digitech whammy


    currently theres only two that i want.

    Ibanez wh-10v2 and EHX Stereo Memory Man With Hazarai.

    John J
    Tube Zipper (anyone tried this on bass?)

    I don’t run the ‘bassiest’ setup so i can’t tell you if you lose alot of low-end, but i thought the zipper sounded great on bass. it’s like the q-tron’s monster cousin, although i found it to be a tad silly with the distortion turned up much. of course, that’s just my ears – it actually sounded like too many effects on the same instrument, even though it was just filter and distortion. tough to explain, but you may feel differently.

    if you turn the resonance all the way up on a q-tron, the wah effect is about as pronounced as the tube zipper with the resonance at half (roughly speaking) so depending on how thick you like your filter, the zipper could be ideal for you. my one complaint is that the trill mode acted a little strange on bass… i’m not the greatest bassist and my dynamics are a little spotty, which probably had something to do with it.


    well as the time goes… i’d basically loved to get my hands on any pedal. whatever it is – i’d like to try it :)

    i really enjoy trying them out


    I think I’m down to just maybe watching a POG2 or Tube Zipper. Neither of I really need. I just like collecting EHX pedals. 😮

    Tube Zipper (anyone tried this on bass?)

    I don’t run the ‘bassiest’ setup so i can’t tell you if you lose alot of low-end, but i thought the zipper sounded great on bass. it’s like the q-tron’s monster cousin, although i found it to be a tad silly with the distortion turned up much. of course, that’s just my ears – it actually sounded like too many effects on the same instrument, even though it was just filter and distortion. tough to explain, but you may feel differently.

    if you turn the resonance all the way up on a q-tron, the wah effect is about as pronounced as the tube zipper with the resonance at half (roughly speaking) so depending on how thick you like your filter, the zipper could be ideal for you. my one complaint is that the trill mode acted a little strange on bass… i’m not the greatest bassist and my dynamics are a little spotty, which probably had something to do with it.

    Hey, thanks for the heads up! I do wish it had independent filter/distortion switches. That would make for a must-have!


    Maxon/Ibanez 808 of some sort prob. with Keeley mod.

    Fender Blender, would prefer old, but new would be fine

    Gonkulator, purely because I thought the name was cool when I was a teenager and have wanted one since.

    Metal Muff

    The 5 Big Muffs between 1-9 that I currently lack.

    Analogman peppermint fuzz

    Many many more!


    i pretty much have all the pedals i want. but i think that soon, i’ll replace my ds-1 with a ds-2.

    other pedals i’m looking at that i might buy are a boss tuner pedal, and a holy grail or cathedral, i don’t know which one yet.

    oh, and maybe a pog2, but i dont think i’ll even use it that much. probably only for when i’m playing white stripes music or something.


    in january, my friend is gonna build me Dan Armstrong green ringer clone… we’ll see if I can use it, if not… i’l sell it…

    anyway… i want a wah pedal :( but if i don’t get a part-time job, i can say that idea goodbye for some time

    Kevin Demuth

    Gonkulator, purely because I thought the name was cool when I was a teenager and have wanted one since.

    i like DOD pedals but i wouldn’t bother… it’ll just make you want a better distortion and a better ring modulator.


    Deluxe Memory Boy, T.Rex Gristle King, that CAE wah maybe…


    Im think along the lines of a Cry Baby, but i dont know which kind/make/brand to get.

    Which one should I????

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