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  • #98531
    ….. see, just a couple grand later, I’d be a happy guy!

    You may think that now, but something else will come up. I don’t think that it’s possible to be satisfied. This is the case for me, at least. :p


    A couple that I want:

    Deluxe Octave Multiplexer – missed the one that was on feebay recently, but patiently waiting for the next.

    Riddle – already on order, and greatly anticipating.


    Was the Mothership disappointing sound wise or just did not suit your style? I tried out the Pigtronix Echolution which is no doubt a great pedal, but could not feel comfortable with it at all and preferred to buy the SMMH which I use as a regular feature of my set up.


    The Mothership is a fantastic pedal, just pricey and a bit more than I need. I had really wanted to try it, but for how much I used it I couldn’t really justify keeping a $400+ pedal, especially when I could have a couple of killer EHX pedals for the same price. So, I think I’m going back to the Microsynth for now. All the Pigtronix stuff that I’ve tried has been killer. I’ve got an Attack Sustain that I use all the time, and I may be getting my hands on an Echolution soon as well.

    The Mothership is a fantastic pedal, just pricey and a bit more than I need. I had really wanted to try it, but for how much I used it I couldn’t really justify keeping a $400+ pedal, especially when I could have a couple of killer EHX pedals for the same price. So, I think I’m going back to the Microsynth for now. All the Pigtronix stuff that I’ve tried has been killer. I’ve got an Attack Sustain that I use all the time, and I may be getting my hands on an Echolution soon as well.

    Yes, I agree with you. Pigtronix does cost quite a bit, and I have decided to continue with EHX and get a 2880 rather than the Echolution. The 2880 is expensive and I will be selling some gear to finance the deal but the 2880 does offer more than the Echolution, and I do already have a Korg 500 Stage Echo which offers ultimate tape echo(s), compression and sound-on-sound.


    My wants:

    Riddle Q-balls (don’t we all?)
    Flanger Hoax
    Tube Zipper
    Black Finger

    So uhm yeah.. I’ve got to go get three extra jobs!

    My wants:

    Riddle Q-balls (don’t we all?)
    Flanger Hoax
    Tube Zipper
    Black Finger

    So uhm yeah.. I’ve got to go get three extra jobs!

    Wow with all those tube pedals that is going to be one noisy rig!!!

    I think the Micro Synth will by my next purchase for now :) I’m quite satisfied with my set up for once, except I have too many pedals and I need to simplify.

    The only pedal I know of that I WANT is a second SMMw/H.

    These pedals here are all the pedals that if I can find one to borrow for a day or two I will make up my mind on them:
    • HOG (I had a POG, didn’t do anything for me – and I love pitch shifting… too organ like for me)
    • Boss SL-20 Slicer (the Midi tempo in is rad, and the effect is something I’ve wanted for a long time [seektrem/wah, etc..], but it’s a boss twin and I have some inner dislike for the look/feel of the unit)
    • Moog Murf (need to mess with one of these further at some point.)
    • Stereo Polyphase (I keep going back and forth on this one. I currently have no phase on my board, but I’m not sure I need it. And I’ve had good results from unit when testing and another time it just sounded weak…)
    • Stereo Pulsar (will pick up one of these days, I don’t need it, but I like this pedal. For ow my PN-2 works great.)
    • A newer SMALLER muff. I need to take my big green Sovtek Muff in and A/B the new ones. See what I like. But there’s just not room for this box anymore…

    Pedals I don’t need at all, but would love to own if I had excessive amounts of $ (besides all of the above):
    Maneco Eko II
    Empress Super Delay

    Hog – Obtained.
    Slicer (still, kind of want one (cheap) for the Midi in to sync it to the 2880, see what happens)
    Murf – played with it, same problem with the Boss Slicer all preset, but no Midi – no need for it really.
    Pulsar – no longer need Goatkeeper filled the gap and then some..
    Empress – played with one – sounded great but don’t need it at all….

    So I’m down to this now:
    WMD geiger or other noise related (Noise Swash, etc…) box – need to mess around with some.
    Newer smaller Muff – likely a Bass Muff (someone said it’s the closest to the Sovtek Green, and handles bass well…
    Cathedral – want to play with it, but it is stereo and the infinite thing seems up my alley.


    On my list as well. I’ve asked tape about every question possible about this thing over the last week. Not sure how many folks can make use of a waveshaper really, but I’m for sure one of them! Brilliant little device!


    the thing that interests me is that it can be used as an expression pedal

    and the art



    I use my Goatkeeper for this, and it is fantastic. A slightly different beast, as this would be like keeping the Goat on 1 step, and skipping the rest. Also with the Hollow Earth you can add-on to wave shapes which is incredible! I applaud tape so much for dedicating so much time to this thing! Very smart device.

    Hope you get one Julian – hope one of us does at least…


    Well I’m not entering into the lottery right away. But I might get on the waiting list at some point.

    John J

    pog 2, big muff w/ tone wicker, and i think thats it.

    the cathedral doesnt count because it isnt out yet.

    i used to want a zvex mastotron, but then i got a super hot woolly mammoth (skeleton graphics, 1 of 1), and i used to want the ’76 custom shop dynacomp from mxr but $225 = nuts to that.

    excepting those two purchases, i’ve been feeling the need to fine tune the collection – sell off or trade in all the stuff i don’t get much use out of.

    EDIT: that hollow earth box looks absolutely incredible, i’m so super stoked on these tiny pedalmakers who only get a few boxes out a year. the whole aesthetic oozes buckets of charm that not even ehx or zvex’s most devilish moments can match (although mike’s appearances in video demos and zvex’s one-off special edition paintjobs do come pretty close).


    reezaFRATzitz (on its way to me)
    dr scientist SDD (sorting out a deal with that right now)
    DMB lunar echo
    colorsound inductorless wah
    zvex wah probe
    boss ps-3
    lovetone meatball
    germanium fuzz face of some sort

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