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    I admit I have no pedals yet but on the way are

    Big Muff

    Boss SD-1

    Nano Holy Grail


    I guess so. I’m not going to be getting one, so it’s of little importance to me. I am, however, planning on getting a Stereo Memory Man. Analog with 300 ms. Pretty gnarly.


    A Haz.

    I’m trying to wait till the memory boy comes out to make an informed decision, but I really want a Haz.

    It will be my first EHX pedal. (and this is my first post here)

    After that I’d like a pigtronix polysaturator or OFO for OD/Distortion duties,
    maybe a Boss RT-20 or small clone for chorus duties,
    a POG2 for organ goodness,
    and maybe an LPB-1 and a Soul Preacher to round things out.

    I plan on selling off my Boss multiFX and RC-20XL to partially finance this, I’ve been using a multiFX unit for too long.

    It’s time to play with the big kids. :D :rawk:

    regarding the Memory Boy being 600ms

    OK now I’m dying to see/hear this thing!? If it’s got a longer delay time, and has modulation onboard… WHY would the XO the DMM!? I’m confused.

    Eh, I suppose the DMM will always have the gain, and more control options, but seems like strange timing…

    Thanks julian. Will check out the SubDecay Prometheus this week, especially since their local to me (Oregon). Didn’t know they made a step filter. Unfortunately the reason the Boss has even come up is that I’ve been waiting (and WAITING…) for someone to make something like the ZVex SeekTrem, but with more control. And that Midi in w/ my 2880 as the clock is pretty tempting!

    That said, I need to find something (and I mean anything) with Midi tempo in to play with soon. I’m dying to see how that works out.

    I will also check the Tone Wicker out this next week.

    If I run into a used Polyphase or it comes up for a trade I’ll likely end up owning it at some point. For now I’m just using my Freq Analyzer and Bassballs to manually filter things. Oh and the filter on the SMM (which I would BUY if EHX would like to throw just that one knob into a Nano case!).

    Regarding the HOG. I played with it the week it came out, and decided I wasn’t allowed to have it at the time. Mainly due to fear of it overtaking my sound, and being too easy to get ambient sounds out of. THEN I ended up with a POG thru a trade, which I couldn’t wait to get rid of, as everything I ran thru it came out sounding like a Casio SK-1 on the Organ setting. Which is a sound I like, but I just couldn’t handle that much of. But I will not give up in my nagging for THE FREEZER ; )

    (eh, got sidetracked… So the HOG does sound very similar to the POG in it’s output correct? It just has heaps more control?

    The voices do sound similar, but you’ve got loads more control, and combining them with other effects and the filters you can fine tune them a little. Plus you might like the spectral gate. It sort of tones them down a bit.

    I haven’t owned a Slicer or a Murf, but honestly, I’d say go for the Murf. Also check out the SubDecay Prometheus, Antenna Gyroscope, and the Zvex Seek-wah and Seek trem.

    I’ve got a Goatkeeper on it’s way, seemed to be what I needed. Still the Prometheus is pretty cool.


    Small Stone
    XO Worm
    XO MicroSynth


    After several months with the DMMH I have now given up all resistance and must buy a 2880….


    Curious If anyone is using the 2880 as a long delay line? Or four for that matter….. The feedback controls boggle my mind really. Don’t get how one is meant to adjust feedback volume w/o sacrificing track volume…. The 2880 is RAD though – I’m just now getting into the USB part of things. Saving loops sets in folders, putting them back on is a total trip. Also playing live shows and getting home and listening to the final four loops in sync is a blast. And on top of that it’s stepped my expectancy for sound quality up a ton.


    Hi, ghost, I would be really interested in hearing about your 2880 USB experiences in a bit of detail since that is one major aspect of the 2880 I am attracted to. In theory, it sounds wonderful, so the question is, is the 2880 USB function also wonderful as a practical, working tool for the composer/musician?


    I just picked up a 2880 in a killer BIN deal.

    It doesn’t have a delay line, per se. If you play a measure, and then stop it, it will continue looping, and you can play over it. You can adjust the feedback so that the previous loop gradually fades out each time it repeats, or you can keep it constant.

    I foresee that the 2880 will probably replace my Fostex MR8 as my 4 track recorder for direct guitar parts. I’ll hold onto my MR8, though, because I like the fact that it can be battery-powered, and it has XLR inputs for vox, drums, and amps. But the 2880 is so simple to use, and it exports .wav files through USB to my MacBook.

    I just picked up a 2880 in a killer BIN deal.

    It doesn’t have a delay line, per se. If you play a measure, and then stop it, it will continue looping, and you can play over it. You can adjust the feedback so that the previous loop gradually fades out each time it repeats, or you can keep it constant.

    I foresee that the 2880 will probably replace my Fostex MR8 as my 4 track recorder for direct guitar parts. I’ll hold onto my MR8, though, because I like the fact that it can be battery-powered, and it has XLR inputs for vox, drums, and amps. But the 2880 is so simple to use, and it exports .wav files through USB to my MacBook.

    That all sounds good. Next question is what is the maximum 4 track recording time possible?

    That all sounds good. Next question is what is the maximum 4 track recording time possible?

    On a 2GB card you can record 372 track minutes.


    Yes, well, that sounds reasonable.


    [sigh] I hate these ’cause they only depress me……. but in no particular order:

    – EHX Stereo Memory Man w/ Hazarai
    – EHX Voice Box
    – EHX New Deluxe Memory Man (small body)
    – EHX Holiest Grail
    – ZVex Wooly Mammoth
    – ZVex Lo-Fi Loop Junky

    ….. see, just a couple grand later, I’d be a happy guy!

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