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    I haven’t owned a Slicer or a Murf, but honestly, I’d say go for the Murf. Also check out the SubDecay Prometheus, Antenna Gyroscope, and the Zvex Seek-wah and Seek trem.

    The HOG rules.

    The polyphase has some really cool settings on it. I love the slow envelope. The pulsar’s a neat box too. I ended up selling them because I always used them for messing around, but not for song writing. But now that I think of it, I really want that slow envelope on the polyphase.

    Big Muff Tone Wicker rules for small muffs.


    Thanks julian. Will check out the SubDecay Prometheus this week, especially since their local to me (Oregon). Didn’t know they made a step filter. Unfortunately the reason the Boss has even come up is that I’ve been waiting (and WAITING…) for someone to make something like the ZVex SeekTrem, but with more control. And that Midi in w/ my 2880 as the clock is pretty tempting!

    That said, I need to find something (and I mean anything) with Midi tempo in to play with soon. I’m dying to see how that works out.

    I will also check the Tone Wicker out this next week.

    If I run into a used Polyphase or it comes up for a trade I’ll likely end up owning it at some point. For now I’m just using my Freq Analyzer and Bassballs to manually filter things. Oh and the filter on the SMM (which I would BUY if EHX would like to throw just that one knob into a Nano case!).

    Regarding the HOG. I played with it the week it came out, and decided I wasn’t allowed to have it at the time. Mainly due to fear of it overtaking my sound, and being too easy to get ambient sounds out of. THEN I ended up with a POG thru a trade, which I couldn’t wait to get rid of, as everything I ran thru it came out sounding like a Casio SK-1 on the Organ setting. Which is a sound I like, but I just couldn’t handle that much of. But I will not give up in my nagging for THE FREEZER ; )

    (eh, got sidetracked… So the HOG does sound very similar to the POG in it’s output correct? It just has heaps more control?


    no delete button….


    couple of moogerfoogers
    memory boy
    and my current big box ehx’s, replaced with xo’s
    however i might keep some big box ones for studio/keyboard purposes.

    my board is just way too big atm


    The HOG is nice in that it doesn’t necessarily overtake your sound. Since you can use the expression modes with the original octave, you can do more subtle things with it as well.


    -MXR Carbon Copy/Malekko 616/EHX Memory Boy
    -EHX Stereo Memory Man Hazarai
    -Boss RV-3
    -Blackout Effectors Musket Fuzz
    -Blackout Effectors Fix’d Fuzz
    -Fulltone Fulldrive 2 Mosfet
    -EHX Stereo Electric Mistress
    -EHX Worm XO
    -EHX Octave Multiplexer XO
    -Voodoo Lab Micro Vibe
    -Paul C. Timmy
    -Catalinbread Dirty Little Secret


    Has it been confirmed what the delay time on the Memory Boy is going to be?

    Has it been confirmed what the delay time on the Memory Boy is going to be?

    No, but I would expect it to be 600 milliseconds.


    A “boy” with 600 milliseconds of memory?

    That’s being optimistic. I’d be happy with 400.


    If it’s to compete with the Carbon Copy, then 600 would seem the likely outcome.


    or 601?


    I don’t think the Carbon Copy has 600 seconds of delay.

    If it’s to compete with the Carbon Copy, then 600 would seem the likely outcome.

    I don’t think it’s intended to compete and I don’t really get this whole ‘EHX’s answer to the carbon copy’ remarks that I keep hearing…..to me it’s just natural ehx (d)evolution the same as the micro pog. It’s a smaller, simpler, cheaper memory man…. and that in itself seems like a desirable thing to me regardless of what other companies are doing.


    Oh, I’m wrong, Carbon Copy is 600 ms. My bad.

    I don’t think an analog delay really needs 600 ms myself. Half second delays (550ms) are way too long for me in the first place.

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