Home Forums The Lounge What pedals do you currently want?

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  • #78412

    No specific order:

    Memory Boy- I want to put it after the effect out of my HOG and then mix it with my dry out so that I can have swelling octaves over clean playing.

    Riddle- Not quite sure what this is yet, but it may be an Attack Decay filter, instead of an envelope follower. Which in that case, I really really want.

    Germanium OD- I think I’d like it sort of for my pedalboard, but also sort of for having off board for playing with bands that I only really need OD for.

    Moog MP-201- with any pedal that I have an expression in or MIDI in for, the MOOG MP-201 seems like I could really open them up to hundreds of possibilities.

    Mellowtone Wolf Computer- cool splattery sounding fuzz that gets video gamey, but sounds quite controllable as opposed to some other noisy fuzzes

    SubDecay Flying Tomato- supposed to be sort of Fuzz Facey, but it is its own thing

    SubDecay F-Bomb- really cool sounding Distortion/fuzz. Nice and Saturated, sort of like my LBM, but a bit different.

    Voice Box- just for the fun of it

    2880- with the MP-201 plugged into it VIA midi, I could control the world. Of looping.

    Rangemaster clone of some sort- they’re just cool

    an octave fuzz- like a French toast, but with more volume on tap.

    Soul Preacher- for use with my hollowbodies

    also sort of want a verb

    1. a mixer for blending HOG effect out and dry out so that I can essentially give my HOG an FX loop
    2. some stuff to change my pedal order- I’d like to swap my SMMH and volume pedal when I want so that I can have trailing repeats or control over loop volume instead of just one or the other


    an MXR dist+ (vintage) this is on the way.

    a mellowtone clean/dirty boost, on the way also.

    and I’d like to try the voice box, riddle, pog2 and all the other new crazy EHX stuff, I’m not sure if I actually want them, but I’m dying to try them out.

    an octave fuzz- like a French toast, but with more volume on tap.

    that reminds me, I’m looking out for an LPB-1 to put in a loop after my french toast.


    I was listening to an old recording I made using a French Toast, and I really missed it. It was so nasty sounding. But live it stunk, I’d hit it on, and even cranked, my volume would go down.


    Microsynth, SMMH and the POG 2. But i used all the money that i had that i was going to use on a microsynth on the parts for my guitar that i made.

    I was listening to an old recording I made using a French Toast, and I really missed it. It was so nasty sounding. But live it stunk, I’d hit it on, and even cranked, my volume would go down.

    yeah, it’s totally useless in that respect. :D

    fortunatly I only paid £15 for it (inc. postage) so even with a cheap boost after it, it’s still a great pedal for the price. it’s sounds really nasty in octave mode with chords, I love the little thing!!

    an MXR dist+ (vintage) this is on the way.

    I was hoping to get that out to you yesterday, but my wife had other plans for us. Sorry about that. Hopefully tomorrow.

    I tested it out – works great. Sort of reminds me of the Muff Fuzz.

    Ned Flanders

    None realy, maybe a few other big muffs that i dont have but not anything new.


    I’m excited to hear the new EHX stuff.

    The Bi-Filter, though it isn’t a pedal, is the biggest GAS I have now. After that, the usual suspects, like the rare vintage pieces.

    an MXR dist+ (vintage) this is on the way.

    I was hoping to get that out to you yesterday, but my wife had other plans for us. Sorry about that. Hopefully tomorrow.

    I tested it out – works great. Sort of reminds me of the Muff Fuzz.

    no worries mate, when you can……yeah, they do have that kind of gritty OD sound.


    I need to get me some more EHX.

    Double Muff- A gnarly, temperamental dirt box? Don’t mind if I do.

    Deluxe Electric Mistress- I need a flanger for various trippin’ tones.

    Russian Big Muff Pi- You can never have too many muffs.

    Stereo Memory Man- Not the Haz, the discontinued analog one with 300 milliseconds of delay and chorus. I must completely EHX-ificate my pedalboard, therefore the Carbon Copy will not do.

    Mini Q-Tron- Not to be confused with the XO Micro Q-Tron. I’ve always wanted an EF.

    Frequency Analyzer- Real cool time, it would seem.

    Octave Multiplexer- Even though I have a POG, I would like to have an analog octave effect.

    Korg DT-10 BR Tuner- Not really an effect, but I need a pedal tuner. I hardly ever tune my guitar though.

    Vox Wah of Sorts- Maybe I’ll get a McCoy if I come across one and have the money. If not, just the standard V847A.

    Stoner Wizard

    The only thing I need to complete my pedal setup is… a 4-knob Deluxe Memory Man with Squelch On/Off.

    I recently tried to get one in pristine condition, I mean: No scratchs, no dents, no paint chips, no modded and with the pretty good working Carling switch (TBP or added chorus/vibrato)… but I lost. This one was an AC-cord powered with european type prong (very rare).

    CAVEAT: A 4-knob DMM’s in good condition may go over 300 EUR, like the one I lost. The bid I lost went fucking mad. I reached the 300 EUR mark, but the winner got it for… 301 EUR (¡LOL!.

    — By the way, I think the final price was too much. I hoped that it had a more acceptable price. That’s eBay rules!–

    The only thing that really annoys me is the possibility of this DMM may have ended in the hands of a non-musician.

    I hope some day in the future I’ll get my 4-knob DMM.

    Other thing that would be nice: The 16 Second DD reissue, but since I looked at the 2880 Super Multitrack Looper I’ve considered it would serve much better to my uses (which supposedly is the evolution of 16 SDD), I’m going to save for the 2880 in the future… unless EH comes with a new and more powerful looper even!.



    PD: If someone has a 4-knob DMM in good condition and does not use it… don’t hesitate!. Send me a private message and we may trade.


    In order of likelihood of purchase….

    My delay is out for repair, so if it doesn’t make it: MXR Carbon Copy (I love EHX, but this is closer to the delay/reverb tone I want than the Memory Man)

    EDIT I just read on another thread that EHX is going to provide their answer to the Carobn Copy within the coming months, so I’ll probably wait to see what that is.

    POG2 (Good-bye microPOG!)

    Demeter Compulator or Maxon CP-9 Pro+ (Unfortunately EHX’s comps aren’t as effective on bass, IME)

    Nano Small Stone (no volume drop or low-end suck!)

    Bass Micro Synth (el gigante old school model w/ true bypass mod) (warmer tone)

    BJFE Blueberry (the holy grail of bass OD)

    I just wish I could try it first to see how the dirts will compare to the Muff.

    Very different:



    The only pedal I know of that I WANT is a second SMMw/H.

    These pedals here are all the pedals that if I can find one to borrow for a day or two I will make up my mind on them:
    • HOG (I had a POG, didn’t do anything for me – and I love pitch shifting… too organ like for me)
    • Boss SL-20 Slicer (the Midi tempo in is rad, and the effect is something I’ve wanted for a long time [seektrem/wah, etc..], but it’s a boss twin and I have some inner dislike for the look/feel of the unit)
    • Moog Murf (need to mess with one of these further at some point.)
    • Stereo Polyphase (I keep going back and forth on this one. I currently have no phase on my board, but I’m not sure I need it. And I’ve had good results from unit when testing and another time it just sounded weak…)
    • Stereo Pulsar (will pick up one of these days, I don’t need it, but I like this pedal. For ow my PN-2 works great.)
    • A newer SMALLER muff. I need to take my big green Sovtek Muff in and A/B the new ones. See what I like. But there’s just not room for this box anymore…

    Pedals I don’t need at all, but would love to own if I had excessive amounts of $ (besides all of the above):
    Maneco Eko II
    Empress Super Delay

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