Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics What kind of tones can you get by mixing a LPB-1 with a Big Muff

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    Hi EHX fans.
    I have a recent version of the EHX Big Muff as my main distortion. Altough it is a good fuzz for the low retail price it as (but not as good as the 70’s version anyway), it seems that the more years i use it the less tonal possibilities it shows, mainly because it has pratically no mids. I know that using a transistor combo (a lame Fender FM212r) doesn’t help anyway, but im trying to achieve a more “sludgy” sound without changing my Muff because actually i can’t spend much money in gear. Anyway i saw someone near my hometown (Porto, Portugal) selling a LPB-1 for just 15 euros and i was wondering if mixing the big muff with the LPB-1 booster can deliver a more heavy sounding fuzz with more mid definition. So, does the purchase of the LPB-1 helps?

    Hi EHX fans.
    I have a recent version of the EHX Big Muff as my main distortion. Altough it is a good fuzz for the low retail price it as (but not as good as the 70’s version anyway), it seems that the more years i use it the less tonal possibilities it shows, mainly because it has pratically no mids. I know that using a transistor combo (a lame Fender FM212r) doesn’t help anyway, but im trying to achieve a more “sludgy” sound without changing my Muff because actually i can’t spend much money in gear. Anyway i saw someone near my hometown (Porto, Portugal) selling a LPB-1 for just 15 euros and i was wondering if mixing the big muff with the LPB-1 booster can deliver a more heavy sounding fuzz with more mid definition. So, does the purchase of the LPB-1 helps?

    The LPB is a treble boost, so it’s not going to give more low end obviously. I have no idea what “sludgy” means, but you’ll get the most tone shaping from a EQ pedal.


    I use a current NYC BMP with an LPB1 in front of it set at about 11 o’clock. It doesn’t make the volume any higher when I switch the LPB on but it smooths out and fattens up the Big Muff, making it a little more sludgey through my liove rig (2 x early 70s 100watt Laney Klipp heads).
    I doesn’t change the tonality much, but rolling back the tone on my guiatr gives me a perfect doom/stoner tone.
    My BMP settings are Volume 3 o’clock, Tone 10 o’clock and Sustain at max.

    The LPB after the BMP will boost your volume but at higher setting makes it sound a little too brittle and harsh to my ears. The LPB is a great pedal, as well as fattening up the MUff I use it as a clean boost for quiet songs where I play leads with a totally clean sound.
    Buy one!


    Thanks alot for the reply! If i find another LPB-1 so cheap ill buy it right away


    Since this rate is in the audio range, so you can use it as a tone generator. Again, you can tune the frequency with the expression pedal input set to “rate”. I ran the signal into the HOG, and filtered it, added octaves, etc. I am sure some madness will develop with a delay pedal or modulation of this signal.

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