Home Forums Vintage EHX What is the second trim pot on a 90s Micro Synth for?

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    The two dots in this picture are next to the holes that have trim pots in them.

    The upper one is for the gain control, and is accessible without opening the pedal up, via a hole in the pedal chassis. But what is the lower trim pot, which is only accessible by removing the back cover from the pedal, for?


    By the way, does anyone have photos of the side of the PCB with the opamps on it, and also of the PCB with the sliders on it?


    It was called the ‘Squelch’ Trim, if I remember it’s to do with setting the offset voltage of the full wave rectifier so basically, it’s for tweaking the envelope response of the whole pedal, if the pedal works fine, I wouldn’t play with it.

    It was called the ‘Squelch’ Trim, if I remember it’s to do with setting the offset voltage of the full wave rectifier so basically, it’s for tweaking the envelope response of the whole pedal, if the pedal works fine, I wouldn’t play with it.

    Cool info. Thanks!

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