Home Forums The Lounge What is the next EHX pedal you are saving up for?

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  • #95930
    I want the stuff I can’t possibly afford:








    I’m saving up for a Talking Pedal and a second vintage Freedom Amp!


    A second double muff
    Little big muff
    Big Muff Pi with Tone Wicker

    Stoner Wizard

    Hello and good mornin’

    Recently I’ve purchased three EH “new” boxes in order to make the seventh pedal board (I can’t work with non-boarded pedals, hehe).

    The first I mention below are much more than a “sound choice”, these EH boxes were made the year I was born, so I couldn’t resist to make my pedal boards more personal even!.

    – 1978’s EH Big Muff Pi, Op-Amp version w/Tone Bypass.
    – 1978’s EH Doctor Q. (my only and “real funk” effect)

    Well, now we’re living the last days for the classic chassis of EH Deluxe Memory Man, so I decided to get some more before they get overpriced due they will be discontinued.

    Yes!. I own lots of delay pedals, all of them are fantastic and are a key factor in my guitar sound but I never replicate units… never?… sure?… any exception?… YES!

    The ONLY exception is the DMM, which is, for sure my favorite all-time delay pedal, and is the only one which I have more than one

    I still (and will) own my 2.003’s wooden-box DMM reissue but…new friends will come in:

    “My New Deluxe Memory Man”


    – EH DMM early reissue with AC cord and black “pointer knobs”. (2.000 or around maybe?) – USA version.
    – EH DMM later “True Bypass” reissue (cardboard box – 2.004 or after) – European version. I knew this was bought new in 2.007 more or less.


    – EH DMM original 4-knob version – European. The deal is already arranged, but the unit is to be repaired.

    What can I do with a quartet of DMM’s?…

    … I’ll let you know once they’re set on their right place.

    Greetings from Spain.


    the DMM, which is, for sure my favorite all-time delay pedal, and is the only one which I have more than one

    I still (and will) own my 2.003’s wooden-box DMM reissue but…new friends will come in:

    “My New Deluxe Memory Man”


    – EH DMM early reissue with AC cord and black “pointer knobs”. (2.000 or around maybe?) – USA version.
    – EH DMM later “True Bypass” reissue (cardboard box – 2.004 or after) – European version. I knew this was bought new in 2.007 more or less.


    – EH DMM original 4-knob version – European. The deal is already arranged, but the unit is to be repaired.

    What can I do with a quartet of DMM’s?…

    … I’ll let you know once they’re set on their right place.

    Yep, I’m a DMM fanatic as well. https://www.ehx.com/forums/viewthread/835/#9085

    – EH DMM original 4-knob version – European. The deal is already arranged, but the unit is to be repaired.

    the.. the blue one..? european..?

    trade you my XO DMM for it? ;)

    Stoner Wizard
    Yep, I’m a DMM fanatic as well. https://www.ehx.com/forums/viewthread/835/#9085

    – It’s nice to be a DMM fan!. What does it have?… Don’t know, but there’s “something” that makes DMM different from others.

    the.. the blue one..? european..?

    trade you my XO DMM for it?

    This is an old unit, still with the AC cord. It runs on 220 volts. I don’t know if the built in transformer is a 220 volt, or it needs an external one. If I said “european” I meant what the guy told me – he’s spanish as me, so I suppose it’s “standarized” for different voltages depending on countries.

    Here’s the funny part of the story: The guy I’m trading with does not know much about the pedal (nothing could be a proper word).

    The pedal is “almost mine”, but I told the guy that it has to be repaired first (it “died” after a blackout – according to the seller, LOL). I keep the contact with him regularly because I don’t want to lose this one. If I lose my patience (sometimes it’s hard to be patient with some people, LOL) , I’ll buy it and try to repair by myself – obviously the price will be much lower to compensate me.

    Once it’s repaired, I’ll remove the AC cord and internal transformer to replace it with a socket for the standard DMM 24 volt adapter

    Sorry, but I can’t trade. Thanks for your offer, anyway but… there’s nothing like a big boxed DMM.

    Regards from Spain.



    So I was about to go for a vintage Graphic Fuzz but ordered a Voice Box instead. Now the next on the list will be the Holy Stain. In the meantime I am refurbishing my vintage pedals. So far I have managed to successfully repair/trim my two vintage Deluxe Octave Multiplexers, an original vintage Electric Mistress and a vintage Deluxe Electric Mistress, got one of my Deluxe Big Muffs repaired, and a really beaten up Deluxe Memory Man is being repaired right now. After that I will be undertaking the rescue of a vintage Clone Theory and also a vintage Hot Tubes.
    There are a few more to go after that…so I have started saving up to get all the old vintage pedals in good shape before venturing out again. Unless, of course, I come across a Talking Pedal….


    Leaning towards the Micro POG, but I might consider the Mole or the Knockout…

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