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  • #78824

    Just a sort of general forum thing.

    What are you up to at the moment?

    EDIT: Also, this thread can double as a chat thread, no prob.


    posting in this thread, and just chillen, i’m not doing much right now.


    Listening to Gypsy Sun and Rainbows at Woodstock as I’m tired and bored out of my skull.


    sweating a lot from this August heat and listening to Unwound and trying to get into the mood to be productive


    feeling sad (i got rejected)

    sweating a lot from this August heat and listening to Unwound and trying to get into the mood to be productive

    yeah, it’s really hot here too……still, I shouldn’t complain because I will moan when it rains at the weekend!! ;)

    I’ve had a day full of fun and excitment…….it included trying to get my kids to clean and tidy their room…(guess who ended up doing 90% of it?) … squirting flea stuff on the cat (after chasing him around for 20mins)…. washing some clothes and going food shopping…..

    ….it’s been a ‘back to reality’ kinda day after the fun and traveling last week.


    Full-on back to work after a 4 week vacation. :facepalm:

    The Florida heat is sweltering, the AC compressor in my car died on me, my apartment is falling apart, my big gig for October got cancelled, and the work is steadily piling up on my desk.

    But I’m happy to have a new Memory Boy and an XO Worm to mess around with this weekend :rawk:


    what the hell is an AC compressor? :freak:

    ……….you wanna get a black finger in there! :D

    what the hell is an AC compressor? :freak:

    A/C compressors do just what their name suggests: compress cool Freon gas molecules into hotter, high pressure molecules that are then transported to your air conditioner’s condenser, which is in charge of cooling the gas into a liquid.

    (I had to google this and copy and paste a description because i had no idea what it was either, and i still don’t really understand it)


    Listening to some Beatles as I chill from a long day.


    Listening to POLARIS :), chilling, I think I’ll shower later on. I think I’m kind of sick, since I’m really hot right now, and it’s cold outside (even tho my house is way too heated.

    feeling sad (i got rejected)

    Aw bro, just look forward, and not back. Try to focus on other stuff. I got rejected last week (actually, it’s really more complicated than that; we had some time together, and talked about it and well what was going to happen to us, but finally she went back w her ex) And i thought… well I don’t know. Life goes on.


    Tired, and excited about learning my NYC shipped two days ago and should be here within about a week.


    looking everywhere on the interweb to try to find the music videos that Vincent Gallo directed for all of the songs from John Frusciante’s album To Record Only Water For Ten Days. I’ve found four so far: Going Inside, Wind Up Space, Moments Have You, and Ramparts. I can’t seem to find the rest though.

    Anyone know where i might find these?

    (if anyone even knows what i’m talking about)


    Trying to figure out how I might be able to change my avatar. Whenever I remove this one, and try to upload another, this one just pops up again. This happened with my first avatar, but I forget how I fixed that.

    Trying to figure out how I might be able to change my avatar. Whenever I remove this one, and try to upload another, this one just pops up again. This happened with my first avatar, but I forget how I fixed that.

    just wait like 10 minutes or so and the new one should come up.

    I had the same problem.

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