Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Weird Science= The Polychorus and the Electric Mistress

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  • #81804


    Check this out. This is an interesting thang.

    Respectively, start your chain with a Y cable, if you will.
    Hook it to a poly chorus and an electric mistress.
    then hook two more Y cables both in stereo up to anything in “stereo”.


    signal-Y-< Stereo input of anykind
    -Elctric mistress–Y>

    =Ouch right. The polychorus doesn’t work but the elcrtic mistress does, and to boot, when you shut off the Polychorus the electric mistress turns into this monster that makes the most horrendous and obnoxious uncontrollable self variating sounds with no reason or rhyme.

    Well, it could just be what I am doing but the oddity deserved appraisal.

    Weird Science.


    A bit late, but I get something like that puttin the Electric Mistress after a FX loop blender pedal.


    @OP – the polychorus doesn’t work with the output Y like that because one of the signals is out of phase to the other.

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