Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Weird noise on Vocoder v256 without any input. (VIDEO)

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    I just brought a V256 and can’t get it to work to work at all. I’m using the original adapter that comes with the box.

    It makes only noises and does not seems to be activated by the guitar. The mix sinal comes out even without me playing.

    The pedal has no input signal so, in theory, it should not make any sound, right (if wet is 100%) ?

    I think it is a internal noise and i don’t know how to stop it. In the video, i test different modes and also hold the mic bypass to test if it was not on hold mode.

    http://youtu.be/D-DNYYajuZQ – Video 1 where you can hear the noise.

    http://youtu.be/WOHBtzaBT6g – In instrument CRTL, the mic goes out even without playing a instrument.

    Thank for the help.


    Did somebody ever figure this out? I have a similar problem.

    Did somebody ever figure this out? I have a similar problem.

    Are you having the problem seen in the first video (constant mic noise) or second video (INST CTRL)? It is normal for INSTRUMENT CTRL to work even if no instrument is plugged into the V256.


    I fixed my problem. Got rid of the EHX power adapter and use a Boss 9v adadapter.

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