Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Want to power a bunch of EHX pedals without a giant power bar!

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    I’m considering buying a Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai but the only thing that I’m not sure about it is powering it up. I’ve already got a double muff and a little big muff which my T-rex fuel tank power supply will work with but, but it won’t work with my POG, micro bass synth, or my worm. So I’ve got a power bar with the individual power supplies plugged into it as well as my fuel tank with a number of other pedals getting power from that. Is there a way for me to get power to any of the EHX pedals I’ve listed with the Fuel Tank? Is it possible for the Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai to get power from the Fuel Tank? I’ve run out of space on my power bar and I hate the clutter it makes!!



    You can power everything from EHX with it except for the Frequency Analyzer, the old microsynth and graphic fuzz, and the tube pedals.

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