Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Volume Settings at home & in the studio vs. Live on the stage.

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    I recently bought an English Muffin & a Wiggler pedal. Overall I am enjoying them thoroughly. But I am having a confusing problem. So the goal is to have my volume more or less equal regardless of which (if any) pedal is on. So at home I set my clean volume and then I put the English Muffin & Wiggler around 1/4 of the way up on the volume nob & 3/4 of the way up on my gain & intensity knobs. This achieves the perfect result.

    However every time I set up on the stage using these same settings, I put the clean sound where I want it and the overdrive and wiggler always need to be cranked way up. I can’t figure out what’s going on here. I would understand if I just need to be louder in general for a noisy bar but the issue is the volume level of my pedals in comparison to that of my clean sound, they seem to be totally out of whack from what they were at our practice space.

    I know a simple solution is just crank up the volume knobs on your pedals for your shows. But I’d still like to understand what’s going on with the acoustics of this situation.

    Any advice would be much appreciated.


    I noticed in the past that depending on the position of my amp Iwould get a different perception of how loud it was when I engaged distortion/OD pedals.

    Clean sound would be pretty much unchanged but the dist/OD sound would have a drop if the amp was placed above the ground (Like… on top of a table or another amp).

    Next time you play a gig try to have your amp on a different position in relation to your ears.

    Or maybe I am completely insane and the voices in my head were the problem! Either way… give it a try!


    There are so many variables at gigs that you’ve got to be aware of. Positioning of your amp, EQ settings, etc. A lot of times certain effects sound weaker in volume because in a full band their own EQ may scoop out the part of the guitar signal that usually stands out.


    one thing that has been helpful for me when setting you pedal levels. make sure you are comparing your the level of your hardest strums. if you are strumming lightly, the OD sound will appear to be much louder because it is already compressed., but then if you hit a hard clean sound, it’ll be much louder.

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