Home Forums Review Your EHX Gear Voice Box Review

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  • #97924

    thank you for the review

    Does anyone find this pedal noisy? When I’m not playing there is a high pitched signal feeding into my amp that is coming from the Voice Box whether or not it’s engaged. I imagine it’s always there.

    Are you daisy chaining it or using it with a non-standard power supply? Sounds like it isn’t getting enough amperage.


    I have mine plugged directly into my Voodoo PP2+ power supply with a barrel connector. Seems to work just fine. So I’ve had this for almost a year and am happy with it, still works, nothing quirky going on. I have found myself only using the hi harmony mode with harmony on the highest setting. We have 3 singers in the band (and I’m not the lead) and the high harmony seems to be the one mostly lacking, so this helps out. I keep gender and blend 50-50, with just a touch of reverb. I guess I’m not a very exciting user, but it does what I need it to do. And I’m not a great singer either (a reasonably good one), but a few weeks ago at a gig someone told a friend of mine that “every time that guitar player sang the band sounded incredible because he had such a unique voice” – swore I should sing more. I wonder if he heard the Voicebox and was thinking I’m something I’m not. Who cares as long as it sounds good.

    I think what it has done is make me a more precise singer. If you’re on your note, it follows pretty well. If you’re off a tad, so is the Voicebox and things can sound pretty unpleasant. And either it follows the guitar chords extremely well, or it just adds harmonies well. I swear I can miss a chord completely and it still creates the harmony I’m looking for. It is still a little “robotic” sounding though, don’t expect it to sound like another genetically perfect human being, but when behind that regular human voice the “roboticness” is not very discernable during a song. Just talking though, you can pick up on the “roboticness” but that’s not something you’d ever do anyway. Not a box to have on all of the time, but nice for a number of songs in a set.


    is it true i can use it without plug in any instrument into it? i really need somone to clarify all this. i’m bout to buy it. but still, i’m really confius how this thing work. pleas help

    is it true i can use it without plug in any instrument into it? i really need somone to clarify all this. i’m bout to buy it. but still, i’m really confius how this thing work. pleas help

    As far as I can tell, you only need the instrument for the vocoder mode, for the harmony modes it’s just a mike and your voice trough it.
    I’m about to get a Voice Box, things are getting a bit out of control lately…
    Anyway I’ve noticed serious out-of-tune issues in the last voice tracks I recorded, so I hope this forces me to practice and improve them a bit (or a lot I hope)…


    some people said only whistle and unison mode don’t need an instrument. more help please.anyway, thanks gestaltito for your point of view :)


    Yep, sorry I hadn’t read the instructions, here’s a bit of excerpt:
    “All six harmony modes require an instrument
    to be played along with your vocal to provide the key information for the
    pitch shifter”.


    I’ve recently recorded some voice tracks using the Voice Box, they’re featured in this song, just as a subtle effect, “High Harmony” mode, maybe a bit hard to notice but effective! I’ve only missed the chance to pan the dry signal and effected one :).

    I’ve recently recorded some voice tracks using the Voice Box, they’re featured in this song, just as a subtle effect, “High Harmony” mode, maybe a bit hard to notice but effective! I’ve only missed the chance to pan the dry signal and effected one :).

    I know what I hate, and I don’t hate this. It’s actually very good. I would just like to hear the vocals (and Voice Box) more.

    Don’t be shy, my Spanish friend!

    I’ve recently recorded some voice tracks using the Voice Box, they’re featured in this song, just as a subtle effect, “High Harmony” mode, maybe a bit hard to notice but effective! I’ve only missed the chance to pan the dry signal and effected one :).

    I know what I hate, and I don’t hate this. It’s actually very good. I would just like to hear the vocals (and Voice Box) more.

    Don’t be shy, my Spanish friend!

    Hey Thanks a lot! :)


    Sounds cool Gestaltito, but like the other dude said get them Vocals to slice through there!


    My cousin challenged me to do a reggae song and this is what I came up with. Keep in mind the vocals (aside from the chorus) and soloing is entirely improv so bear with it as it is kind of long but I think worth it. It gives you a sample of that spacey reverb on the Voice Box! Take care buddies!

    Sounds cool Gestaltito, but like the other dude said get them Vocals to slice through there!


    My cousin challenged me to do a reggae song and this is what I came up with. Keep in mind the vocals (aside from the chorus) and soloing is entirely improv so bear with it as it is kind of long but I think worth it. It gives you a sample of that spacey reverb on the Voice Box! Take care buddies!

    That’s nice!


    This is a dissapointing unit, I’m not the only one who thinks so.Check other reviews on the net. The unit does not do what it claims properly. The harmony side is eratic. It will harmonise with one chord then the next will be a minor, even though you played a major, or it won’t make up its mind and a note fluctuates. I notice all the videos are only simple chord patterns and slow paced. I now realize the reason for that.
    However on the good side the vocoder is realy great. Just feel a bit done over the harmony side.
    Wont be buying any more products from E H.

    This is a dissapointing unit, I’m not the only one who thinks so.Check other reviews on the net. The unit does not do what it claims properly. The harmony side is eratic. It will harmonise with one chord then the next will be a minor, even though you played a major, or it won’t make up its mind and a note fluctuates. I notice all the videos are only simple chord patterns and slow paced. I now realize the reason for that.
    However on the good side the vocoder is realy great. Just feel a bit done over the harmony side.
    Wont be buying any more products from E H.

    I think some people expect too much from a £129 floor unit. Personally I think it’s amazing what it can do for the price, no other company has anything like it….. have a look at the prices of rack harmonizers, you are talking thousands. Some people can’t sing in tune either which doesn’t help. I’ve heard some excellent results with it, but clearly you have to work within the limitations of the unit and the persons ability to sing in tune in the first place.


    I don’t think its expecting too much for it to do what it states on the box.

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