Home Forums Vintage EHX Vintage Soul Preacher: Why No Love?

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    I do apologize for seeming whiny on my very first post, but my search brought me here, so where better to ask? I acquired a vintage Soul Preacher (not the Nano version), and finding out anything about it is frustrating. No reviews (all for the Nano), no mods (not that I want any, but the omission seems strange), and it’s not even listed in the otherwise stellar Dave Hunter book Guitar Effects Pedals. Other than the Discofreq site, I wouldn’t even know this Soul Preacher existed. I think it sounds fine, it works as well as any Dyna Comp, and I got it really cheap. What more could I ask for? Some information! Is this a Howard Davis design? Is there an ‘attack’ mod? Can I do better than the stock 4558?
    Again, I do apologize for this being my very first post. But I really want to know more than what I do now about this compressor. Thanks for any tips, advice, and being a shoulder to cry on.

    The EH Man

    It’s not a Howard Davis design. As far as mods, I don’t know of any. I wouldn’t change any parts if it’s working fine for you now.


    Well, you’re the guy who would know. And it’s not even mentioned on your site, other than it being tossed in for free with a Deluxe Big Muff. I’m not interested in screwing with it, unless someone like you says anything is better than the 4558 in there now. You know how it is; we’re all Burr-Brown crazy. But an attack mod might still be cool. Even in a basic Dyna Comp the trim pot inside adjusts the attack, and the Nano version has it as well. The more I think about it, the more I realize I should relax and just enjoy it. It is pretty cool; not really noisy, the treble boost switch reminds me of a Boss CS-1, and it really works.
    I don’t know what I wanted with any mod advice. Maybe being told an upgraded IC would make it a little quieter? I guess I just got excited and wanted to know everything possible in one shot.
    I’ll apologize again for being too nosy and whiny. But man, I still want to know why this compressor isn’t poping up on many sites. Tone Frenzy has a really good sound clip. Between that and Discogreq, it seems we’re the only people who know about it. And I know nothing. But not for long, if I have my way. Thanks for the slap in the head. I’m back to Earth now. Time to grab a Strat, my ‘new’ Soul Preacher, and get my Nile Rogers on.


    I have a vintage Soul Preacher, and I’ve definitely found that it works best with a good 9v battery, as opposed to using an AC PS. It’s not my favorite EHX compressor (that would be the RI BlackFinger), but I do like the treble boost feature – quite handy.


    I also have an old Boss CS-1, and it has the treble boost switch as well. I don’t really use that part, unless the whole signal just sounds like it lost some top end.
    I never really thought about the adaptor issue, either. I guess if the adaptor isn’t well filtered or regulated, it can be a problem. But you could add a simple filter. I suppose it would be something like a 100-ohm resistor from the AC jack to the circuit board, and a 220uF or a 470uF capacitor mounted from that B+ point to ground.
    You know, I just looked at the one schematic I can find, and there already is a filter; a 220-ohm resistor and a 100uF capacitor. Maybe you could bump up that capacitor. It would be a cheap and easy experiment. But if you have a costly power supply, it should be filtered and regulated to start with. I guess a plain adaptor that was sold with a calculator would be a problem, as you don’t have to listen to a calculator. That’s one reason I stopped buying the $2.95 adaptors from my local computer surplus store.

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