Home Forums Vintage EHX vintage polyphase mod ?

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  • #81352

    Hi Everybody !
    i’m french so excuse my poor english…
    i’m repairing an old vintage polyphase, i love this pedal :)
    problem with old pots that i resolved.
    so now i’m searching for intersting mods to do…
    i already replaced the trim pot by a external pot, and i’m happy with that. it’s changing how the envelope behaves…
    i was wondering if there was other easy mods that could be done….
    like replacing a resistor by a pot, or inserting a switch in the circuit.
    is there a way to control the depth of the phase effect ? is there a way to control the initial frequency ?
    i imagine that it is a 4 stage phaser, is there a way to desactivate some stage with a switch and having a 3, 2 or 1 stage phaser ?
    any idea , trick is welcome…


    I sent mine to Howard Davis to make the Mod Rate knob slower. I’m not sure what the resistor value is that he used. But that one is worth doing.

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