Home Forums Vintage EHX Vintage LPB-1

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    In the early 80’s, I had a Muff Fuzz and later an LPB-1, then eventually went to a Big Muff/Bad Stone combo then to whatever was polular at the time…

    I recently cleaned out my closet and found the LPB-1 in an old case. It has the female connection on each end. I know it hasn’t been used in 27 years.

    I was trying to put a date on it, but the only info I see on the inside is a stamp on the boost pot.
    It reads XR3 163 which doesn’t correspond to anything I have found. Judging from the knowledge base of this forum, I think I found the right place to ask. :) Any help?

    I’ll get a pic if that would help.

    The EH Man

    THat one you linked to says 80s which is about right. Late 70’s/early 80s.


    I have an LPB-1 that I bought in the early 70’s. It has a female connection on one side and a male plug end on the amp side. It also has an on/off switch and a dial to regulate the amount of boost. It still works. I was wondering if it is worth anything.

    The EH Man
    I have an LPB-1 that I bought in the early 70’s. It has a female connection on one side and a male plug end on the amp side. It also has an on/off switch and a dial to regulate the amount of boost. It still works. I was wondering if it is worth anything.

    Typically not a whole lot. Check ebay’s completed auction listings for an idea of value.

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