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  • #103407

    It’s good to know that there are still some around.


    I recently came across a “mint” Queen Triggered Wah and a Octave Multiplxer Treadle(missing feet) while going through some stuff in my closet.
    Any body think I’ll get a good price on ebay?
    I just sold a triangle second edition(really clean)Big muff for 500+ and a “mint” rackmount Vocoder for 500+.(thought I might get more for the Vocoder)


    Anybody heard from this guy lately?? Or does anybody have a treadle Octave Multiplexer they might want to sell??? Also seeking vintage style replacement feet for EH wahs! I’m sure that I’ve seen some for sale somewhere,can’t remember who may have had them. New Sensor,RonSound and Small Bear don’t have them…. anybody know where some might be found?? Thanks.


    Hi GM,
    I just caught your post.
    I still have the “mintish” Queen Triggered Wah Treadle and a Octave Multiplxer Treadle(“mintish” except for missing feet).
    I know they’re rare, but I can’t find much info on the internet.
    Whatcha got in mind?

    Hi GM,
    I just caught your post.
    I still have the “mintish” Queen Triggered Wah Treadle and a Octave Multiplxer Treadle(“mintish” except for missing feet).
    I know they’re rare, but I can’t find much info on the internet.
    Whatcha got in mind?

    Hi there nibblegribitz.I don’t have your name,sorry. I might be interested in the Octave Multiplexer Treadle (depends on how much you want,mail,payment,etc..). Can we discuss this privately? I didn’t see a private message icon on the forum page.Thanks for the response! Sean


    Hi Sean,

    I’ve only seen a couple of the Octave Multiplexer Treadles for sale in the past year and they were $499.00 plus shipping.
    Here’s one of them.

    I would want $425.00 plus insured shipping going through Paypal.
    Same conditions for the Queen Triggered Wah.

    Hi Sean,

    I’ve only seen a couple of the Octave Multiplexer Treadles for sale in the past year and they were $499.00 plus shipping.
    Here’s one of them.

    I would want $425.00 plus insured shipping going through Paypal.
    Same conditions for the Queen Triggered Wah.

    Yeah,I saw the one at BG.He doesn’t like answering emails,apparently. $500US + mail is too much anyway,I can get a Bi-Phase controller for less than that. If you can bear with me for a few weeks,I might still be interested in the Octave Muliplexer Treadle. I’ve only just bought a EH MuffFuzz Wah and a vintage EH Hot Tubes,my buying fund is a bit depleted right now.I have another vintage WahFace wah pedal that I’ll auction shortly.I may also pass the Hot Tubes on to a friend if I don’t like it. I also have a couple of bills & some car repairs to cover in the next couple of weeks.If the OM Treadle is still there in another fortnight or so,we can probably work something out for that.
    Not really interested in the Queen Triggered Wah,sorry… Thanks for letting me know. I’ll be in touch. Sean


    Still there,ng?

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