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    Does anybody know where I can find some D-Shaft or Flattened-Shaft potentiometers? Specifically a 100K audio potentiometer with the D-Shaft.

    The EH Man

    Do you need to replace the entire pot or just a snapped-off shaft?


    That’s going to be tough either way. Most of the parts sellers these days aim their wares directly at the tube heads who modify their amplifiers or try and build tweed Deluxe clones. Those vintage EH type pots are used by no one else today. And yours may wrap around the PC board and that makes it even more difficult.
    If worse comes to worse, and you really do need a new control (unless it’s physically broken, my success rate is 100% for saving them), something like this;
    could work if you can carefully flatten the one side of the shaft.
    That’s all I know. If you do get a source for genuine replacements, please share that information. I’m sure you’d get at least 912 ‘Thank You’ replies.



    those any good?

    if you google ‘D Shaft Potentiometer’ there are hundreds of results, I’m sure you could find something.

    Ned Flanders

    Them pots are fine but not real great for the big muff tone control (but fine for vol and sustain) as that works better with linear. Still useable though, just 12 noon will be around 230 on the audio pot or something like that.


    Those are chassis mount, and the terminals may not wrap around the board enough. In a pinch you could rig something up, but there could be other ‘problems’. Cheap as Hell, though.

    Them pots are fine but not real great for the big muff tone control (but fine for vol and sustain) as that works better with linear. Still useable though, just 12 noon will be around 230 on the audio pot or something like that.

    What’s more, the knob may go on and full counter-clockwise may point at high noon! So your ‘zero’ won’t line up. It’s a hassle, and one I am going through right now for a rack-mount mic preamp. I just cannot get the right potentiometers. I am almost to the point of actually playing Dr.Frankenstein and building one potentiometer from a couple of cadavers. I may have to do this because I am after PC mount.

    Do you need to replace the entire pot or just a snapped-off shaft?

    I need to replace the entire pot. So far my search has yet to come up with anything substantial except for the “Mojo Musical Supply” pots, but I’m trying to find something as close as the original as possible. Thanks everyone for their help (oh and Liberty Belle, it’s for the Sustain control).

    Ned Flanders

    You’ll notice a difference in rotation with audio but it wont effect sustain amount whatsoever,just the o’clock setting of it.

    Does anybody know where I can find some D-Shaft or Flattened-Shaft potentiometers? Specifically a 100K audio potentiometer with the D-Shaft.

    I needed some to repair a Big Muff. Snagged some regular round shaft pots and dremelled one down to a D-shaft. It was a PitA, so I just used a round hole Davies knob on the other one.

    This thread: https://www.ehx.com/forums/viewthread/2244/
    And these pots: http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120486813905

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