Home Forums Vintage EHX Vintage Deluxe Octave Multiplexer…4/5 knob. Any experiences??

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    Hi, just wondered if anyone has/or has used an older 4 or 5 knob Deluxe Octave Multiplexer?
    Care to relate any stories,reviews, good vibes, bad experiences???


    I have the 5 knob one, search on youtube “Deluxe Octave Multiplexer EHX” and one demo made by me should come up. I’ll post the link later. If you have any questions, feel free to ask


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Y3H8sjH9wA here’s the vid. It’s a really nice pedal. It might look like something really tweakeable, but actually it’s very simple, you can get octave, octave+fuzz or just fuzz. from there you can vary those parameters. With it’s own fuzz and flanger it produces nice synth tones. keep in mind that both deluxe OM and the OM are analog and they track just one note at time. You can play chords, but the sound that comes out is really sloppy

    clone theorist

    Got my 5-knobber w/ yellow graphics from ebay, it had been severly thrashed- punk rock style. The foot switch was stomped almost through the case. (Dr. Martens?) I paid £60 for it, i think, plus some £££ for shipping. The seller managed to ship it in a too-big cardboard box with only a plastic grocery bag around the pedal. No kidding.

    True story, bro- best of all: when I plugged it in, the pedal worked :rawk:
    For 2 minutes… :freak:

    Was planning to get it fixed up anyway, so off it went to CJ Landry at cjlectronics in Texas.
    It’s become one of my fave effects, it has got an instantly recognizable sound to it- and I 100% agree with the above post regarding it being simple to use- just crank the controls and go from there!
    It’s got fuzz, one octave down and engaging the “Bass” switch it seems to me to go down TWO octaves, rumbling like boulder throwing trolls :metal:

    There is a volume drop when it’s on, especially when using the Blend control to mix in the dry signal, but that can easily be fixed with a simple clean boost or EQ after the pedal. I have it in a true bypass loop with a Boss EQ.
    My only pet peeve with the Dlx Multiplexer is, that the fuzz has a rather weak volume. It’s a big muff sounding fuzz and to my ears, it’s blended in parallel with the octave effect. This contributes to the unique sound of the pedal, indeed- but it would be cool to hear a louder fuzz sound. It’s more like a hairy bee. No biggie.

    My advice: GET (a working) ONE. :) Then, cranky all the controlly- and adjust the Blend and Tone to taste.
    The “Sens” control is kind of the same as the “Threshold” feature of the ADA Flanger, a gate: play softly- only the dry signal comes through, play harder and it triggers the effect. With ‘Sens’ at max, effect is always on.

    That’s my experiences with it, but I’m sure there are others on the forum that can chime in. Would like to hear more, how the 4- knob is for example.. Cheers! :wave:


    Well if the fuzz sounds weak ive discovered that it’s volume depends on the sens setting. the higher it is, the louder the fuzz becomes.


    I got one about mid-way through last year. 4 knob Deluxe with the fuzz ‘slider’ switch.
    It all works,which is good. But it’s a bit noisy at the extreme end of either one or two octaves down, even without the fuzz on (not so good). I’ve also got a Muff Fuzz CT wah too,if I need that type of fuzz.So it will probably need a service,or a recalibration.
    Has anyone converted a vintage DOM to DC power?

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