Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Vintage Clone Theory Calibration procedure?

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    Does anyone have the calibration procedure for the clone theory later version (Vib / Flange Switch)?

    I really enjoy all the vibrato sounds but can’t get a good standard chorus sound out of it so I’m going to tweak the trim pots. A copy of the schematic, calibration procedure, or any tips or help will be greatly appreciated!


    I believe that Howard Davis designed the Clone Theory.

    You can email him: howard.davis2@att.net

    Web Page: http://howard.davis2.home.att.net/


    i ended up calibrating it by ear. there was a lot of trial and error getting it set so it produced a good chorus, vibe, and range of depths. One trim was bias, one was gain, and the third was not on the schematics I found and didn’t seem to do much – I’d call it a sharpness trim. I wish I could add something more helpful for others, the only help I was offered was a copy of the calibration procedure for sale.


    last night I ran some fuzz pedals into the clone theory and there was quite a volume drop which wasn’t there before, I’ll have to open it up and adjust the gain.

    I’d really like to find out what that third trimmer does, it is not on any of the schematics I’ve found.

    I also find it exceedingly lame that now two supposed fellow “EH Fans” have contacted me about the ability to help me out for a fee.


    Hello people everything allright? by now I´m writing my 1rst topic on this forum, nice forum by the way.
    Lets head to my presentation, I´m Richard, I´m from Chicago, now I´m studying on another place now on Pharmacy so that I can get my graduation.
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    I will also have to apologize for my english it was the only way I found to talk with you guys….
    And for now is all I have say, cause work by shifts and now I have to spleep a little…………..Just hopping you liked my 1rst post.
    By Bye to all of you, See ya, and by the way Great 2012 to you all…….

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