Home Forums Vintage EHX Vintage Big muff pi deluxe problem

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  • #86012
    Ambrosio Michael

    First of all excuse my bad English.
    Im from Venezuela, and I only dominate Italian and Spanish.

    I have a Big muff PI deluxe Vintage pedal (the big one)

    while using my pedal the glorious sound changed by a great hellish noise.

    (I have a small and basic knowledge of electronics and pedals)

    *While the pedal is off the guitar sounds normal
    *The Three Pots modify the noise.(sustain,fuzz volume,tone)
    *the led light works normal
    *the capacitors are in good condition
    *the resistances seem to be in good condition
    *The integrated 4558 TL072 I have no idea if they are working

    https://youtu.be/0ghRAcZbV74 enter here to hear the noise
    Video problem!

    I live in a dictatorship, and the best electronics professionals have left the country.
    Does anyone have the schematic – diagram of this pedal?
    on its internal plate says EH-1330A

    Please Help :(
    I want my pedal back
    +584143941984 Whatsapp
    @sonidosforaneos IG band
    @ambrosiomichael IG personal


    schematic is in this thread:
    It’s on photobucket.
    In case you cannot see it, here’s a repost:

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