Home Forums Vintage EHX Vintage 2 way switch

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  • #86473

    Hi everyone,

    Please how would you name this type of switch ? It’s on a vintage EH Crying Tone, it’s a 2 way switch that control the Wah or Volume function.

    The one I’m working on is OK, it goes to one state to the other one, but it does not stop to position Wah and position vol, I can turn it on 360 instead of only 2 positions.

    Something is missing inside (bought pedal with switch opened), something that can block upper positions.

    Any idea how it work ? How could I repair it ?

    As you may see, it’s dated 1976

    Thanks !

    The EH Man

    It’s a 3 pole, 2 position rotary switch.


    Thank you Eh Man !

    I was looking for that exact word, thank you !

    I’ll check for assembly schematics, I’d like to find the missing part that block rotation.

    Thanks !

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