Home Forums Vintage EHX Vintage (1978) Deluxe Electric Mistress – Rate isn’t working

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    I’ve got a vintage Deluxe Electric Mistress Flanger (from 1978) that isn’t working. In the flanger mode, the rate doesn’t seem to be working. It has some output for a minute, then fades out. 15V rail seems good. I see clocks out of the LM311. I also see output on pin6 and 12 of the SAD1024 chip. So I think the SAD is good. But I don’t see the low frequency on pin 8 of the LM324. Any thoughts on what to check?

    The EH Man

    Check for broken traces or solder joints on the rate pot.


    I should have mentioned. I verified all the connectivity in the RATE portion of the circuit. There were some issues (broken traces) with one of the pots and I added a jumper wire to connect that leg to the proper component. I saw some listings of people checking voltages on all of the ICs. Is there a reference voltage list? I’m wondering if the LM324 is bad.


    Another observation on the broken Deluxe Elec. Mistress. When I put a sine wave in, I see it on the first pin of the input decoupling cap (27nf cap in the schematic link below). On the other side of the input decoupling cap, I see the sine wave with a 15 volt DC offset. Is this normal? Or is this a clue to a problem? Any suggestions?
    Also, I replaced the LM324 and the two 33uF caps associated with the Rate, but I still don’t see the rate moving on Pin 8 of the LM324.

    The EH Man

    Have you tried replacing the 4013? If you’re seeing output on the 311 but nothing coming out of the 4013, That might be something to check.

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