Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Varius memory boy / toy questions

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    Hello dear all,

    I ve been reading the forum for quite a while and today i decided to register :)

    First of all, I own a small clone (big box) and i m absolutely in love with it!

    To the point: I ve got some questions concerning the (deluxe) memory boy / toy

    1. How does the modulation routing differ?

    (eg. is it positioned before post or pre feedback loop (in the first question the delays are modulated by passing through the chorus vibrato but the unmodulated feedback is fed back whereas in the latter the signal is first modulated and then fed back, resulting on re-modulating the signal every time it is repeated (and so the modulation gets more and more intense)

    2. Are there still issues with variance in the delay times?

    (ie. max initial delay time, delay time getting shorted as the years are passing by, temperature issues, delay times drifting within a short amount of time, ie. an hour?)

    Ideally I would of course like to have 550ms right from the start and ever after (haha) and to know that every time i turn the pedal on, and after it warms up, i will be getting the same delay time for the same knob position.

    3. Which on of the three seems to be more reliable over time?

    4. Anyone knows the current revision of each?

    Thanks in advance gals and guys, I really appreciate your help :)

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